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Including Piece Values on Rules Pages[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
H. G. Muller wrote on Wed, Mar 13 06:51 AM UTC in reply to Kevin Pacey from Tue Mar 12 07:44 PM:

The problem with Pawns is that they are severely area bound, so that not all Pawns are equivalent, and some of these 'sub-types' cooperate better than others. Bishops in principle suffer from this too, but one seldomly has those on equal shades. (But still: good Bishop and bad Bishop.) So you cannot speak of THE Pawn value; depending on the Pawn constellation it might vary from 0.5 (doubled Rook Pawn), to 2.5 (7th-rank passer).

Kaufman already remarked that a Bishop appears to be better than a Knight when pitted against a Rook, which means it must have been weaker in some other piece combinations to arrive at an equal overall average. But I think common lore has it that Knights are particularly bad if you have Pawns on both wings, or in general, Pawns that are spread out. By requiring that the extra Pawns are connected passers you would more or less ensure that: there must be other Pawns, because in a pure KRKNPP end-game the Rook has no winning chances at all.

Rules involving a Bishop, like Q=R+B+P are always problematic, because it depends on the presence of the other Bishop to complete the pair. And also here the leveling effect starts to kick in, although to a lesser extent than with Q vs 3 minors. But add two Chancellors and Archbishops, and Q < R+B. (So really Q+C+A < C+A+R+B).

Diceroller is Fire wrote on Wed, Mar 13 08:49 AM UTC:

Just off topic idea: what if Shogi Pawn will have a value of 1?

Kevin Pacey wrote on Fri, Mar 15 04:33 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from Tue Mar 12 01:16 PM:

Not to say I don't trust your post I'm replying to, H.G., but as they say, 'trust but verify'...

A not-too-old answer I saw when I Googled 'Does Stockfish use piece values', as found on 'Quora':

'In chess analysis, computer tools like Stockfish, Komodo, and AlphaZero help us know the importance of each chess piece during the game. They use calculations to assign a value to each piece based on factors like mobility, king safety, and board position...'(12 Sep 2023, Tato Shervashidze, Chess Coach...)

If that's true, such computers are actively doing 'calculating' of their piece values (rather than relying on e.g. statistical-studies-generated ones that are generalizations), on a position-by-position basis in a given game that they are playing.

That's also rather than by using piece values calculated before the start of any play whatsoever, say in the sort of way Betza tried to calculate fairy piece values (or my own cruder way(s) of estimating such values, i.e. in quick and dirty fashion).

H. G. Muller wrote on Fri, Mar 15 06:47 PM UTC in reply to Kevin Pacey from 04:33 PM:

'In chess analysis, computer tools like Stockfish, Komodo, and AlphaZero help us know the importance of each chess piece during the game. They use calculations to assign a value to each piece based on factors like mobility, king safety, and board position...'(12 Sep 2023, Tato Shervashidze, Chess Coach...)

It is not only false, but it sounds like total nonsense to me. For one, AlphaZero is not comparable in any respect to Komodo or Stockfish; everything is different, and naming them in one breath already exposes the one who says this as completely ignorant on the subject of computer chess. (Which of course doesn't exclude he is a good Chess coach or has a high rating.)

In the past few years there has been a revolution in chess programming, after it had been converging to a method thought to be optimal for several decades. Initially programs were scoring positions at the leaves of a look-ahead search tree by a static (= not playing out any moves) heuristic that is now called a Hand-Crafted Evaluation. Piece values were a major part of that, often interpolated between 'opening' and 'end-game' values depending on the strength of the material still on board. The positional terms were Piece-Square Tables (accounting for mild general position dependence of piece values, without taking note of the location of other pieces, such as that Knights are poor at edges, and even poorer in corners), mobility (the actual number of moves a piece has in the current position), King safety (the number of squares around the King attacked by opponent pieces, and the value and number of these pieces), Pawn structure (passer advance, isolated / backward and doubled Pawns)

These parameters were never calculated (for orthodox Chess engines), but often were tuned. This was done by taking a large data set (like 500,000) of quiet positions from games with known result, and then tweeking all the bonuses and penalties (including piece values) that were used in the HCE until the calcuated evaluation score correlated best with the game result.

Than came AlphaZero out of nowhere, with everything completely different. It used a neural network for evaluation of positions as well as for guiding the search. This network simulates a brain with millions of cells, in some 40 layers, with tens of millions of connections between them. And they tuned the strength of those connections by having the thing play chess against itself. No one knows what each connection represents, but the result is that it eventually it could very accurately predict the winning probability for a position, apparently paying attention even to subtle strategic condiderations.

After that a hybrid form was invented: NNUE (for Easily Updatable Neural Network; no idea why they spelled it backwards...). This uses a conventional (unguided by any NN) search to calculate ahead, but at the end of each line evaluates by a NN of a peculiar design. It does not use explicit piece values, but calculates something very similar to Piece-Square Tables (which can be seen as a sort of piece values specified by location of the piece, and can simulate a plain piece value by specifying that same value on every square). Except that it does have such a PST for each location of the King. So the value of a piece cannot be dependent only on its absolute location, but also on how it is positioned relative to the King. (Well, this was invented for Shogi, and there proximity to the King is often more important than the intinsic strength of the piece type...). And it doesn't have one such a 64x64 table for each piece type, but 256 of them. And all these 256 values of each piece (on its current location, for the current King location) are than fed into a NN of 5 layers with 32 cells per layer, to combine them, until finally a single number appears at the output. This NN is then trained by tuning all the 256x64x64x6 values in the KPST, and the strength of the 4000 connections in the NN to reproduce the win probability of a huge data set of quiet positions, as good as it can.

This works, but after this no one knows what exactly the NN does. None of the values in the KPST in the optimally trained NN have the slightest resemblance to piece values as we know them. We cannot identify a King-Safety part, or a Pawn-Structure part, or a mobility part. It is just one totally integrated complete mess of totally meaningless multiplier parameters, that magically manage to conspire to give a very accurate prediction for who has the better winning chances in a given position. Stockfish and other strong engines now all use NNUE evaluation, (because they typically gain ~80 Elo compared to their original HCE), and the main development towards higher Elo comes from finding better sets for training it, or playing a little bit with the size of the NN. (Large NN can predict more accurately, but slow doen the engine, so that it cannot look as far ahead.)

Kevin Pacey wrote on Fri, Mar 15 08:01 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 06:47 PM:

Well, I knew the fellow might easily be wrong about Komodo. However, previously I had seen Stockfish used a neural network (at least to some extent) starting 2020 - unless that's more false stuff on the internet too (maybe a crusade for truth online could extend beyond chess variants, back to chess itself!?):,leaving%20just%20the%20neural%20network.

edit: it is a similar story as of 2020 for Komodo, apparently:,networks%20in%20its%20evaluation%20function.

H. G. Muller wrote on Fri, Mar 15 08:52 PM UTC in reply to Kevin Pacey from 08:01 PM:

I don't keep close tabs on the development of Stockfish. But there are always many forks around, and sooner or later the best of each will be adopted into the official main branch. 2020 as the start of the NNUE mania sounds about right. And there might be hybrid versions around, which still relied in part on hand-crafted terms, added to the NN output to get the total score. I would expect this to have some advantages for terms like Pawn structure; it will be hard for a NN to extract Pawn-Structure info from King-Piece-Square tables. But it seems the latest Stockfish relies entirely on the NN.

It would be funny to test it on positions that it has certainly not seen in its training set, like 3Q vs 7N. It might be at a total loss for what to do. (Not thet the HCE did such a good job on that...)


New Hexagonal chess variant[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Tom Byfield wrote on Thu, Mar 28 07:35 AM UTC:

Played on a 61 tile hexagonal board. 16 pieces per side like Mccooey's variant but where they have rotational symmetry. I have published it on under hexagonal chess If you want to see it. Stalemate is a draw.

Chess variant Group on LinkedIn[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Kevin Pacey wrote on Sat, Apr 6 03:31 PM UTC in reply to Kevin Pacey from Tue Feb 13 02:37 AM:

Note: the membership for fairly new LinkedIn public group 'Croatian chess' (chess variant-oriented) has doubled to 14 members since my last post here in mid-Feb; there are now over a dozen group posts. One is a link to CVP site, by myself.

I've been messaging LinkedIn members (some who I know) about the group's existence to help promote it, unknown to the group's owner (a CV-oriented company's CEO, who allows for the general discussion of CVs within the group, by members who post).

There is also a private Chinese Chess group on LinkedIn that is currently larger, and a private Alice Chess group that currently has just two members. Private groups' posts are only visible to their own members.

P.S.: There is also a company Page for a CV company, 5Head Chess, on LinkedIn, besides one for Chess Boxing Global (if that is seen as a legit CV).

Obento GC page[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Jean-Louis Cazaux wrote on Sun, Apr 14 05:46 PM UTC:

@Daniel Z: The icons displayed on this page are of heterogeneous sizes.

Second point, would it possible to play with Alfaerie graphics? I don't like to use other graphics because it adds another difficulty which is not needed in my opinion.

Daniel Zacharias wrote on Sun, Apr 14 07:22 PM UTC in reply to Jean-Louis Cazaux from 05:46 PM:

I don't know why the images were like that, but I've redone it to use pngs instead of the svgs directly.

I'd like to make it work with alfaerie if you can suggest what images to use for the gold and silver pieces.

Jean-Louis Cazaux wrote on Mon, Apr 15 02:44 PM UTC in reply to Daniel Zacharias from Sun Apr 14 07:22 PM:

@Daniel: your page seems to have more pieces missing in the description. I guess it is not wanted.

About jokers in large Board Games[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Aurelian Florea wrote on Tue, Apr 16 01:01 PM UTC:

This Thread is about games that contain the joker(imitator, jester, fool) piece. The joker piece is here a piece that does not have a move of it's own but borrows the last move of the opponent. It has no other abilities (unlike the one in omega chess), not even double pawn move, en passant or promotion, ability to castle etc. .

The main problem I am facing is that with increased number of piece types (which comes naturally on larger boards) it becomes increasingly powerful. I fear it becomes game breaking. I'm stuck in designing my new games as this piece is also difficult to program (more on this later). Each of the games I am designing has a heavy cavalry piece pair and a light cavalry piece (leapers- their exact abilities are not important now), a bishop pair, a rook pair, a war wagon (as I have renamed the well known falcon), a bent rider, a leaper+slider compound, a queen and of course the royal king. What I have observed by playing against the interactive diagram is that after some pawns and minors are exchanged the joker finds rather easily a central or near central position where it seems almighty. True that the opponent has a joker, too, but it is quite often when one joker paralyzes more pieces than the other. So to me it seems that the joker inserts in the game more a random thing than a good strategy reward. I have to mention that in orthodox chess I have a 1500 rating after the recent increase. Probably stronger players will feel differently. I though of having instead of one all imitating joker to have one that has it's power updated when the enemy moves a light piece and one that has it's power updated when the opponent moves a heavy piece. But this makes a game that already has a steep learning curve into something with an even greater learning curve. I'm writing this in hope for new opinions about including joker in increasingly large games.

On the programming side of things, games that have jokers are more difficult to program. And not because it's move power is difficult to program. I was able to go myself as far, but not further. It is a piece extremely difficult to evaluate. It has been proposed here to aproximate the piece value with the average strength of the enemy pieces. But this does not do it justice. The number of enemy piece types should play a role especially in games where there are many types of piece types like in those I'm designing as mentioned above (riders, leapers, pathers, leapers+riders, bent riders etc.). Moreover chessV does not accept a joker imitating a war wagon (falcon). Some I'm stock only with the interactive diagram which is a poorer AI. I know HG works on something cooler in C++ if I'm not mistaking but this could take many months maybe years.

More I'm thinking of a 10x10 CWDA with jokers. But imitating an opponent's move does not seem like CWDA to me. So I'd go for a transferrer that trasfers the move of a fibnif to a waffle for example. All of these are reasons for why I'm contemplating to take out the joker and replace it with a more normal piece.

But I have reserves to doing that also. First as I have said above I am a merely 1500 chess player. What if introducing the joker is brilliant but I just can't see it. What I find random it is actually strategic for a better player. A NNUE program for example. Also the joker is fun and it offers many tactical possibilities.

For now the best course of action seems to me to make simulations with ChessV without a joker, say jokerless varaints of the variant. That to find out the real piece values when the joker is not involved. An then when HG's more sofisticated program becomes available, try to look at games with joker (never jokers, as many jokers also make each joker more powerful) and see if having a joker makes the games more strategic and tactical, or it makes the game feel more random.

Aurelian Florea wrote on Tue, Apr 16 05:43 PM UTC:

Forget about running the games on ChessV even without the Joker. ChessV does not do riders bent after the second step either. It seems y it is not supported.

Daniel Zacharias wrote on Wed, Apr 17 06:25 PM UTC in reply to Aurelian Florea from Tue Apr 16 01:01 PM:

Have you read Eric Silverman's thoughts on poweful pieces? He suggests that it's good to have a few super pieces that dominate the game.

When you say "larger boards" it's not clear if you're talking about the later mentioned 10x10 CWDA or something else. 10x10 doesn't seem large, and you did use the Joker on 10x10 and 12x12 already. If you are talking about something truly larger than 12x12, the obvious way is to have the Joker start at the back and make sure the average piece strength isn't too high.

If you're worried about the Joker dominating the game by being too powerful, don't forget that if it's really that strong the players would be reluctant to trade it away. In that way, strong pieces can be self-balancing.

I could imagine it possibly being a problem if the Joker loses strength quickly so that there's a large advantage in deploying one's Joker first, which would naturally favor the first to move. If that is a problem, a way to counter it would be to carefully choose the moves of the other pieces. Perhaps have more sliding or other blockable moves instead of leaping moves, to allow for pawns to reveal attacks on the Joker by weaker pieces that could be exchanged for it. Another way is to make sure that pieces have simple moves so that a player would be likely to have good options that limit the Joker.

Aurelian Florea wrote on Thu, Apr 18 05:44 AM UTC in reply to Daniel Zacharias from Wed Apr 17 06:25 PM:

I have read Eric Silverman's thoughts on powerful pieces now. Trouble with the joker is that it's value is very volatile. In the beginning it is very powerful though. One could argue that maneuvering him it is a matter of skill. This, actually is my conundrum: Is it a matter of skill or a matter or perceived randomness?

By larger boards I mean strictly larger than 8x8. Even in 10x10(where I have 13 piece types) handling the enemy joker is quite tricky. 12x12 could work, too. But larger boards would make games impossible to play if the joker is present. Just imagine Tenjiku shogi with one or God forbid more jokers.

As I have said in my previous comment I have a large palette of piece types represented. This makes things even more complicated.

It could also be that I worry too much, but who knows.

Daniel Zacharias wrote on Thu, Apr 18 02:54 PM UTC in reply to Aurelian Florea from 05:44 AM:

Is it a matter of skill or a matter or perceived randomness?

I would ask that same question about nightriders, but they seem popular anyway. If I'm understanding you, the problem with Jokers is that they're too easy to exchange favorably because they're much stronger at the start than the end. I would expect that to be less of a problem with a very large game, since both players would have more opportunities to use their jokers.

If you're using it in a different armies game, the most important thing would be to have a joker in every army. Do you have an interactive diagram to show an example of a game where this piece might not work?

Aurelian Florea wrote on Fri, Apr 26 05:29 AM UTC in reply to Aurelian Florea from Tue Apr 16 01:01 PM:

It seems people are not that interested in this topic. I'm thinking that this is because there is not a lot of experience in games with jokers.

Anyway after a intensive series of games played against the ID these days, I have concluded that on a 10x10 board at least things are ok. What bad thing that can happed is to lose connected pawns, because then the joker is not easily trapped by just moving a pawn. So one has to protect connected pawns, especially near the king, even from sacrifices. That is actually a strategic choice on part of the attacker. I think this is actually a good thing.

So my own verdict is that on a 10x10 board the joker works.

Jean-Louis Cazaux wrote on Fri, Apr 26 08:56 AM UTC in reply to Aurelian Florea from 05:29 AM:

@Aurelian: I found the Joker difficult to play on-line because you need to have in mind what was the last piece moved and that the Joker mimics. If you play several games in parallel and that a succesive move may happen in the next days, it is difficult. Maybe this is why this interesting piece lacks of popularity. It is probably different when played over a board and in a short time frame.

Daniel Zacharias wrote on Fri, Apr 26 12:25 PM UTC in reply to Aurelian Florea from 05:29 AM:

I've never had a problem with them and it's still unclear to me what that would look like.

Aurelian Florea wrote on Fri, Apr 26 03:08 PM UTC in reply to Daniel Zacharias from 12:25 PM:

I have feared them being game breaking. Otherwise said, it feels like having a random effect.

Bn Em wrote on Sat, Apr 27 04:06 PM UTC in reply to Aurelian Florea from Fri Apr 26 05:29 AM:

I'm thinking that this is because there is not a lot of experience in games with jokers.

At least in my case that's very much the reason; in principle the dicussion is very interesting (especially since a game I've been thinking about would involve a closely‐related, if potentially even more powerful (though less apparently‐random) piece)

My impression is that jokers are a bit like Querquisites and Smess/Ivory‐Tower pieces, in that they depart substantially enough from normal Chess dynamics that they'd take a good bit of learning to handle. And in their particular case, the art of dealing with them is in part (principally?) the fact that they reduce the value of strong pieces, especially if well placed: you can't freely move the queen if there's a joker ready to copy its move while still being worth (on average, presumed — though of course this ‘chilling’ effect increases its value correspondingly to the powerful pieces on the board) less.

I'd be interested to see how Jokers handle in games with (a small number of) really powerful pieces. I'd almost predict that capturing the jokers to free the power pieces (with maybe some judicious moves by the latter in between either while the J is still hidden in the setup position, or to give check) would be an important middle‐game theme.

But in any case for now you're probably one of the people here with most experience with the J :‌)

Bob Greenwade wrote on Sat, Apr 27 04:54 PM UTC in reply to Bn Em from 04:06 PM:

And of course, the big question: Why don't I have at least one Imitator piece in Unnecessarily Complicated Chess?

I need to go fix that.

Aurelian Florea wrote on Sat, Apr 27 05:01 PM UTC in reply to Bob Greenwade from 04:54 PM:


Question on viewing past games[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
wdtr2 wrote on Sat, May 18 04:35 PM UTC:

@Fergus OK, I wanted to review a past game of Xhess. I picked Wed dec 13 2017. 23 moves, the last move was a resgin. so far so good. I click orentation 2nd palyer on the drop down list box. I click go back to starting position. OK so far so good. Now the view buttons contain a ">" go to next move button. I click that. next move. good. I click again next move. good. I do this four times and one of the viewing button becomes a "@". There is an info message: "Lacking data to view this position. To view whole game, load in last move.". From that point on viewing moves becomes difficult. Can you view a prior past game of xhess and see if the view functionality is working as you like? thanks. Jim.

🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, May 18 09:25 PM UTC in reply to wdtr2 from 04:35 PM:

one of the viewing button becomes a "@". There is an info message: "Lacking data to view this position. To view whole game, load in last move.".

This means you loaded the game from an earlier position instead of from the latest position. You might have done this accidentally by clicking the View button, which used to be the only way to navigate through the moves of a game. You should follow the instructions and load it from the latest position. Click on the >| button, then click on the View button. This will load the game at the last move, making all past moves accessible without the need to reload any of them.

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