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Sorry, the problem persists in log=wolff-cvgameroom-2017-80-979.
As far as I can tell, it is working properly with that log. What move is it not allowing?
It does not allow to make any of the moves normally considered as legal, except 9.Qxd2, 9.Nxd2 and 9.Kxd2. Note that Black's last move was 8... f*d2.
Reviewing the "makov333-maeko-2009-327-405" game, I found that it is broken in the 3rd turn, just after Black dropped a non-capturing pawn. Then, apparently the bug is related to the action of dropping non-capturing pawns.
That's now fixed. It was complaining that function fL was not defined. I had accidentally called it fl instead, and function names are case-sensitive.
Attention Fergus, re: a possible bug with this preset:
In the following log, I tried to move my Black piece from f6 to d4. A dialogue box then popped up and told me the move is not legal (in fact I think it is legal), and asked me if I wished to go ahead and make the move anyway.
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There is a bug in this preset that prevents me from making any moves [except 9.Qxd2, 9.Nxd2 or 9.Kxd2] in the game "wolff-cvgameroom-2017-80-979". On the screen appears a message saying: "Syntax Error on line 339. The function fL has not been defined..."
It also affects finished games such as "maeko-fergus-2009-237-530" that is broken in the 8th turn.