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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Mar 31, 2005 05:36 PM UTC:
Amber has finished a few minutes ago. Anand won the three categories. This
is the final score in 'Combined':
1.  Anand, Viswanathan  15.5  
2.  Morozevich, Alexander  13.0  
3.  Ivanchuk, Vassily  12.0  
 Leko, Peter   
5.  Kramnik, Vladimir  11.5  
6.  Shirov, Alexei  11.0  
 Svidler, Peter   
 Topalov, Veselin   
9.  Gelfand, Boris  10.0  
10.  Vallejo, Francisco  9.5  
11.  Bareev, Evgeny  8.0  
12.  Van Wely, Loek  7.5

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