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H. G. Muller wrote on Sun, Oct 1, 2017 07:17 PM UTC:

I have cable internet, via WiFi, but my own speed should not be a problem unless ebay ads are sometimes larger than a gigabyte, I have this on no other websites. And if fetching the data would be slow, I think the message FireFox would display is different (like "Transfering data from ..."). It just seems to be waiting for that server to give any response whatosever. It is a latency problem, not a bandwidth problem.

Now internet is a trecherous swamp, and sometimes connections are bad because of hubs that you are routed over, while others that get their data through another path notice nothing. So it could be that during some hours of the day transatlantic traffic is routed over a hub that has capacity problems, and that I am victim of this.

Nevertheless, the more external sites need to be accesses, the larger the chances that one of them can be slow. So it is very bad that you have to wait for a number of such accesses, so that the slowest (or the sum of all) determines the performance. In FireFox I see the servers it access flash by in the status bar when things work well (and this then still adds up to a delay of 1 sec or so), so there must be a lot.

If the server of, or my conection to is slow, there isn't anything that can be done. But it would be a great improvement when accessing of other websites from CVP web pages could be done in the background, so that when these servers are (unbearably) slow, the CVP content can already be displayed without waiting for them, and that it just the ads that will appear later. (And then they should not affect the layout of what is already there!) If that cannot be done, I'd rather have no ads at all, and perhaps there should be a user preference where fetching of external ads is suppressed.

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