Check out Alice Chess, our featured variant for June, 2024.

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George Duke wrote on Tue, Jul 3, 2007 04:58 PM UTC:
This time Ranks 4 and 5 have only one Pawn each. Yet White's every move is
frozen illegal-- notwithstanding 3 Queens, 2 Archbishops(BN) and Marshall.(7)

8  ___ ___P___K___P___P___P___O___P___    W = Wolf, doubly bent rider
7 P___P___S___P___R___E___ ___P___D___D   S = Sissa: so many as Bishop,
6 W___ ___C___ ___ ___ ___ ___O___ ___       as many as Rook; and v.v.
5  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___P   R = Reflecting Bishop
4  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___p   E = Elbow Rook
3 p___a___a___q___p___b___m___ ___ ___p   O - Canon; C = Cannon
2 p___ ___p___q___q___ ___p___ ___i___p   D = Diagonal Narrow Crooked
1 p___n___k___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___p       Nightrider(Knappen)
                                             i = Ibis(2,9)leaper
  a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j    
If Pawn at a3 moves, Reflecting Bishop has path.   
If Archbishop at b3 moves, Wolf has path.   
If Archbishop-c3 moves, Cannon threatens King, illegal.
If either Queen-d3 or -e2 moves, D.N.C. Nightrider at i7 has pathway.
If either Queen-d2 or Pawn-e3 moves, Canon-h6 has path to King.
If Bishop at f3 moves, Elbow Rook has path.
If Marshall-g3 moves, Sissa-c2 has path.
King cannot move because of Canon-h8 and D.N.C. Nightrider at j7.

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