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Operations on Trafalgar Ocean

A Reference item called: Operations on Trafalgar Ocean: From the CVP game of Dragon, an example of a force’s operations on Trafalgar Ocean is shown here in order to make clear the principles of Embarking, Disembarking and Boarding. The ranks are designated as in the diagram and the files are designated (from West to East) as A to I. From the above diagram of the initial deployment a Watchtower is placed on the Forest 3rd rank, A (its Albatross is assumed to have been released as described in the main Dragon CVP). All other forces are on their initial positions. A Watchtower moves and captures the same as a Rook in Chess and so could move to the unoccupied positions along the A file on the Forest front rank or the Forest Beaches, or also to the Forest 3rd rank, B. Should the Watchtower embark to Trafalgar Ocean however, then there is only one possibility and that is to the Green Ship situated on the Forest coastal waters on the A file, the rule being that a force may only embark on an allied unoccupied vessel (Flagships or Ships) and by way of its normal move. If there was another allied and unoccupied vessel situated on e.g. the Central Ocean, A then the Watchtower could not embark to such vessel as this would entail jumping over the vessel on the Forest coastal waters, A and the Watchtower’s move does not include jumping. If however, the Green Ship on the Forest coastal waters, A was situated instead on e.g. the Northern Ocean, A then the Watchtower could embark to this ship as then no force would have been jumped over. Were there no vessels situated anywhere on the A file then the Watchtower could not move directly to the Kingdom of Storms from the Forest Kingdom as this would be gliding (as described in the main Dragon CVP) and Watchtowers, as with most of the forces, do not have this power and so must embark and disembark to or from Trafalgar Ocean in order to leave or enter the Kingdoms and in this situation the Watchtower would have to move elsewhere within the Forest Kingdom to embark or wait for a suitable vessel to move to the A file. We shall assume the Watchtower embarks to the Green Ship situated on the Forest coastal waters, A. The Watchtower could now board to one of two vessels: the Green Ship on the Forest coastal waters, C (but not the Green Flagship or the other Green Ships on the Forest coastal waters as this would entail jumping) or the Red Ship on the Southern Ocean, A. Instead of boarding either of these two vessels, the Watchtower could disembark (which must be by way of its normal move) back into the Forest Kingdom onto the A file positions on the Forest 3rd rank, the Forest front rank or the Forest Beaches but could not disembark to any position within the Kingdom of Storms on the A file as this would entail jumping over the Red Ship on the Southern Ocean, A. We shall assume the Watchtower boards the Red Ship on the Southern Ocean, A. The Red Ship, now boarded, effectively becomes a Green Ship and must fly a Green Flag to indicate her changed allegiance, if an opposing force had occupied this ship then such force would have been captured. This ship can be used and treated as a Green Ship whilst occupied by the Watchtower. The Watchtower could now board to one of two vessels: back on to the Green Ship on the Forest coastal waters, A or the Red Ship (which would effectively become a Green Ship) on the Southern Ocean, C, though this ship could then be sunk by the Red Ship on the Storm coastal waters, B and the Watchtower would be captured. The Watchtower cannot board any of the other Red Ships on the Southern Ocean as this would entail jumping. If either of the two vessels able to be boarded were boarded then the ship being vacated on the Southern Ocean, A would revert to her original allegiance as a Red Ship and must once again fly a Red Flag. Instead of boarding either of the vessels the Watchtower could disembark to the Kingdom of Storms (but not the Forest Kingdom as this would entail jumping over the Green Ship on the Forest coastal waters, A) and could land on the Storm Beaches, A or the Storm front rank, A or the Storm 3rd rank, A or (as it is allowed for a capture to be made when disembarking) the Watchtower could capture the Gnome situated the Storm 2nd rank, A. We shall assume the Watchtower disembarks to the Storm Beaches, A (the other positions are all defended). The ship being vacated on the Southern Ocean, A now reverts back to her original allegiance as a Red Ship flying a Red Flag. Once entering the Kingdom of Storms, a Watchtower is re-formed (promoted) into a Green Fortress and this force is confined in operations to the Kingdom of Storms (as described in the main Dragon CVP) and so cannot now embark to and operate on Trafalgar Ocean. It can be seen however, that the Green Fortress (which moves and captures the same as the Queen in Chess and cannot jump) could not immediately embark back to Trafalgar Ocean even if it were allowed to do so as there is no allied and unoccupied vessel available now that the ship disembarked from has reverted back to her original (and opposing) allegiance as a Red Ship. © Copyright G. Nicholls 2001 - 2015

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By Glenn Nicholls.
Web page created: 2012-05-18. Web page last updated: 2012-05-21