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The Game of Nemoroth. For the sake of your sanity, do not read this variant! (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
David Howe wrote on Tue, Apr 9, 2002 11:45 AM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
I've heard vague rumours that this game, or a game very much like it, is
still played at Miskatonic University...

The excellent rating applies to presentation and originality. I have not
playtested this game (yet). Truth be told, I'm not sure I *want* to! :)

Jianying Ji wrote on Tue, Apr 9, 2002 01:41 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
Absolutely great, in coherence of theme and originality!

John Lawson wrote on Tue, Apr 9, 2002 08:08 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★

Who said theme doesn't count in abstract games?  I want to play this, but I
think I'm going to be disapointed when the pieces remain silent.  I want to
see a ZRF, but not too soon.  Whoever does it needs to do a good job on the
graphics, not to mention audio, to do the game justice.

'What eldritch noise did I hear?'  Perhaps the screech of the El.

gnohmon wrote on Wed, Apr 10, 2002 12:30 AM EDT:
It recently occurred to me that I might have named the Zombie an Iron
Golem so that its dissolution by ichor would be a nethack reference.

But perhaps that would have been inappropriate after all. Lovecraft never
played a game of Nethack in his life.

ben wrote on Thu, Apr 11, 2002 03:15 AM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
Question: can a wounded friend move over (but obviously not stop on) a
square occupied by a mummy?  i am not sure.

if anybody wants to try this game with me by email, send to
[email protected]

gnohmon wrote on Thu, Apr 11, 2002 12:08 PM EDT:
A Wounded Fiend (not 'friend' unless you are a truly scary creature) is
impeded by mummies, as indeed a Rook would be. Notice also that it cannot
retrace its steps because of its own ichor, and therefore, as Azgoroth once
said, 'carries within it the seeds of its own destruction'. (The endgame
where each side has one Wounded Fiend and nothing else can be quite

This game is tough to get used to. For a while I thought I had made a major
rules error, but in fact when a Leaf Pile engulfs, the mummy does not
appear until it moves on, and so the Leaf Pile is vulnerable to being
engulfed by an enemy Leaf Pile. If it were not so, the first player would
attack with Leaf Pile (engulfing his own Human for greater speed) and win
by force.

gnohmon wrote on Thu, Apr 11, 2002 04:51 PM EDT:
Oops. It seeme I misremembered what the Spirit told me in my dream, for
when I tried to play the game it was too easy to end up in an impasse with
no good way to break it; and the reason was clearly that the Go Aways were
not performing their intended role.

Then I tried a few games in which the Go Away moved by leaping two squares
Rookwise or by moving one square diagonally, and things seemed to work much
better -- in fact, just about exactly right, in conformance to the original
vision of the game.

It is funny how the Wounded Fiend seems to be such an unimportant piece,
when it was the original inspiration for the game.

Under 'Interactions', it should be added that

'Leaping pieces can cross unharmed a square seen by a Basilisk, for their
talons never touch the ground and therefore the Basilisk does not see

The interactions are so complicated! I need to make a chart to see if I
left anything else out.

The Editor in Yellow wrote on Thu, Apr 11, 2002 05:05 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
Addition to Interactions made as requested. Did you also mean to add a diagonal step move to the Go Away? <p> <br> <i>(Fnord)</i>

gnohmon wrote on Thu, Apr 11, 2002 05:11 PM EDT:
Under 'compelled Moves', there should be a final notice that 

'Sometimes it is possible to make a saving move with some other piece than
the compelled one. For example, suppose that your Basilisk has been pushed
onto an occupied square, and so is compelled to move off, but has no legal
move; if you can engulf your own Basilisk with a leaf pile, you have
removed the condition causing the compulsion, and therefore you have saved
the game.'

And, under 'Interactions',

'If a Go Away which is compelled to flee an enemy Ghast is next to the
Ghast, it can scream GO AWAY! instead of moving. It ends its turn one move
further away than it started and so it has met the compulsion to flee.

A Leaf Pile which is next to a Ghast can engulf the Ghast; as it then no
longer needs to flee, its compulsion has been satisfied.'

The Editor in Yellow wrote on Thu, Apr 11, 2002 05:21 PM EDT:
Thy bidding done once more, Oh Gnohmon.

John Lawson wrote on Sat, Apr 13, 2002 01:04 AM EDT:
I have rarely seen so much chatter as for this game. (N.B. there is
significant commentary on Nemoroth in the Yellow Journalism thread.)

A couple of points:

Is Nemoroth a chess variant?  If gnohmon says it is, who am I to gainsay
him?  I am an 'inclusionist' when it comes to chess variants, anyway.  It
actually seems more like an Amazons variant, and there are other more
chess-like games that make use of the 'shrinking board' mechanism, but what
the heck.  (Bob Abbott, who invented Ultima, did not think it was chess,
because it did not use replacement captures.  He was an 'exclusionist'.)

When Nemoroth is refined, and the rules settle down, may we expect pages on
'The Value of the Nemoroth Pieces' and 'Nemoroth with Different Armies'? 
Should we reserve the name

If interest remains high, how about the CVP sponsor a contest in Nemoroth
problem composition?

gnohmon wrote on Sat, Apr 13, 2002 11:50 PM EDT:
'rarely seen as much chatter' -- it's a combination of two things, I think;
first the story is pretty good. You must understand that after I wrote it,
I also read it, and even I was affected by it. The idea of the ancient
Lovecraftian city that existed before the world was finished being built
kinda grabs me. And the details that make it real (by the way, the reason
that Nemoroth was destroyed when Luna was floated up into the sky after
being built in its harbor was that the project was given to the lowest
bidder) -- well,when I wrote it, in the heat of the moment I thought it was
merely corroborative detail intended to add artistic verisimilitude to an
otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative, but when I read it, it sounded
so suspension-of-disbeliefable and I could picture the city and the harbor
and the Moon and the little boats carrying pieces of craters to the work
site, and golly gee gosh how amazing.

The second thing is that the game itself is pretty interesting. Although I
was so caught up in the story that I really did a bad job of describing the
game, it's non-trivial and it's very different (in terms of how it feels to
play it) than most chesslike or ultimalike games.

This *will* cause chatter, even in the most silent of times.

Since The Game of Nemoroth came out shortly after I had said strongly that
there wasn't enough chatter, well, what would you expect. :-)

'values of Nemoroth pieces' -- quite impossible. Likewise Nemoroth with
Different Armies. The various non-capture effects have values that are imho
impossible to estimate numerically. The useful Go Away has a value that
depends entirely on what it can push, just for one example. 

In practice, I think the Zombie is most valuable, and the second tier
contains the Go Away, the Basilisk, and the Leaf Pile. The Leaf Pile is so
easy to use; an advanced Basilisk, even if it gets petrified (but you gotta
calculate if the foe can push a Leaf Pile onto it!) can be crippling, and
the Go Away transforms positions completely.

But even the humble Human is strong. Leaving one's Basilisk at home invites
the Humand to advance and petrify themselves in blocking positions. 

The Ghast is so powerful that it is outside the range of values. However, I
have not yet played a game against myself where I captured a Ghast, so in
effect the Ghast is always neutralized by the enemy Ghast. Pushing a statue
to d4 or d5 neutralizes the enemy Ghast and allows you to reposition from
b6 to f6; this happened once and was very strong. All in all, I like the
way the game works.

John Lawson wrote on Sun, Apr 14, 2002 11:00 PM EDT:
''values of Nemoroth pieces' -- quite impossible.' --- I was just joking
here.  I actually can't imagine how one could assign values, considering
all the interactions.  In regular chess, the only interaction is capture.

'Likewise Nemoroth with Different Armies. The various non-capture effects
have values that are imho impossible to estimate numerically.'  --- True,
but it is possible to imagine other interactions that might be interesting.
 Several spring to mind (nature abhors a vacuum) but they could be as
simple as ichor with different effects.  One could even handicap by
allowing the ichor of each player to dissipate at different rates.

'The useful Go Away has a value that depends entirely on what it can push,
just for one example.' --- A trivially true statement.  Ceteris paribus, a 
Knight that can capture a Queen is worth more than one that can capture a
Bishop.  I consider values to be a statistical guide, not a received truth,
fun as they may be to study and play with.  (Of course, I stink as a chess
player, so what's my opinion worth?)

It is likely that I may soon be playing Nemoroth against another human via
email.  We will be sure to post our observations.

As a sidebar, there is really no assurance that any entity with which one
communicates via email alone is actually human.  We could all be alien
anthropologists, who, thinking we are studying humans, are studying each
other.  The resulting theses would be feces.

John Lawson wrote on Tue, Apr 16, 2002 12:37 AM EDT:
I am reviewing the document and
I need to know if I have interpreted it correctly.


[A Leaf Pile] can move onto a non-ichorous non-Ghast square which contains
a Mummy and at least one other piece.

When a Leaf Pile makes its first voluntary move after engulfing something,
it leaves behind a single Mummy; notice that this means no Mummy is left
behind when a Leaf Pile that is digesting something is pushed.


If a Leaf Pile engulfs a multiple occupancy square including a Mummy, and
then is pushed, there is no Mummy remaining on that square.


If the ichor will evaporate after you make your move but before your
opponent moves, you can ignore it.


That ichor actually lasts nine plies, not five moves.

There will be more questions.

gnohmon wrote on Tue, Apr 16, 2002 09:34 AM EDT:
1. Yes, the mummy has been engulfed.

2. 'ichor actually lasts nine plies' ---- hmmm.

This relates to the specific case where a piece is compelled to move off.
The ichor certainly lasts ten plies, so in this situation the ichor must
have been created during your opponent's move. My thought was that since it
will finish its evaporation at the end of your move, you can effectively
satisfy the compulsion to move off by simply staying where you are; and at
the end of your move the result is that you are no longer standing on icky

John Lawson wrote on Tue, Apr 16, 2002 10:29 AM EDT:
Wait, there's more.


A Leaf Pile is subject to the effects of a Basilisk, and a petrified Leaf
Pile cannot engulf anything. 

A petrified Leaf Pile can still engulf things that are pushed onto it, and
it can still engulf things it is pushed onto. 


Second statement is true, and more fun.


A Go Away pushing a petrified Leaf Pile around can vacuum up all sorts of


Any mobile piece except a Zombie within two squares of a Ghast must flee
the Ghast, and no mobile piece except a Zombie may move of its own accord
to a Ghast Square; the squares within the Ghast's range are called Ghast

Clarification requested:

If several pieces are under compulsion to flee a Ghast, but the Ghast moves
off before the compulsions can all be satisfied, the compulsions no longer
exist if the compelled pieces are no longer on Ghast squares.

Additional statements:

When you are under compulsion, you may make any move which removes the
compulsion, but if you cannot satisfy the compulsion of at least one piece,
you lose. 

The Human moves one square sideways, or one square straight forward, or one
square diagonally forward, but only to an empty non-ichorous square. 

Hypothetical situation:

Alabaster Human on f5, Obsidian Ghast moves to f6, creating compulsion for
human to flee.  Assume there is no other Alabaster piece under compulsion
this move, and no saving move is possible.  The Human can only move to e5,
e6, g5, or g6.  These squares are still adjacent to the Obsidian Ghast.  Is
this a win for Obsidian due to stalemate by compulsion?

Anonymous wrote on Tue, Apr 16, 2002 03:56 PM EDT:
Lovecraftian/Chess related story:

John Lawson wrote on Tue, Apr 16, 2002 08:18 PM EDT:
OK, now I'm going to try to clarify ichor:

          Alabaster             Obsidian

          Wounded Fiend moves
Move 1    Ichor deposited       Ichor ply 2
          Ichor ply 1

Move 2    Ichor ply 3           Ichor ply 4

Move 3    Ichor ply 5           Ichor ply 6

Move 4    Ichor ply 7           Ichor ply 8

Move 5    Ichor ply 9           Ichor ply 10
                                Obsidian pieces need not 
                                move off ichorated square


          Alabaster             Obsidian

                                Wounded Fiend moves
Move 1                          Ichor deposited
                                Ichor ply 1

Move 2    Ichor ply 2           Ichor ply 3

Move 3    Ichor ply 4           Ichor ply 5

Move 4    Ichor ply 6           Ichor ply 7

Move 5    Ichor ply 8           Ichor ply 9           

Move 6    Ichor ply 10
          Alabaster pieces need not 
          move off ichorated square

Does this look right?

John Lawson wrote on Tue, Apr 16, 2002 08:36 PM EDT:
Note that the moving Wounded Fiend in the prior comment could belong to either player if it was forced to flee by a Go Away.

Moussambani wrote on Wed, Apr 17, 2002 04:07 AM EDT:
Quoth the Betza: 'The Leaf Pile cannot move of its own accord onto an
ichorous square, nor onto a square containing a statue, nor onto a square
containing a single mummy but no other pieces. It can move onto a
non-ichorous non-Ghast square which contains a mummy and at least one other

Does that mean that a Leaf Pile can move of its own accord onto a square
containing TWO mummies? That's my interpretation. (NOTE: Two mummies can be
on the same square by pushing one onto another)

David Howe wrote on Wed, Apr 17, 2002 11:59 AM EDT:
More comments may be found in the <a href=''>YellowJournalism</a> discussion.

Moussambani wrote on Wed, Apr 17, 2002 12:38 PM EDT:
What's a bit surprising is that compelled moves are also 'of its own accord'

gnohmon wrote on Thu, Apr 18, 2002 06:17 AM EDT:
To flee means that the piece must end its move geometrically
further away from
the Ghast than it was when it started its move; for example,
if your Ghast is on b3, you can move your Human from b2 to c2 because
the geometrical distance between the two pieces has increased.

Clarification has been made.

gnohmon wrote on Thu, Apr 18, 2002 06:24 AM EDT:
'compelled move of its own accord' -- yes, because the owner chooses which compelled piece is to be moved, and if the piece has more than one legal move the owner gets to choose its destination.

gnohmon wrote on Thu, Apr 18, 2002 06:44 AM EDT:
Does that mean that a Leaf Pile can move of its own accord onto a square
containing TWO mummies? That's my interpretation. (NOTE: Two mummies can
on the same square by pushing one onto another)

Yes, it means that. I'm not sure if it was right. As I think of it, it
seems to me that this rule was generated in a momentary panic when I
misread the rules and pearef that a leaf pile could not recapture (it can

recapture because when a Leaf Pile engulfs things, there is nothing
on the square but the Leaf Pile itself; the Mummy is not generated until
the Leaf Pile moves on.

Now that I think of it, it seems to me that this adds too many rules and 
clarifications for too little benefit. If the presence of a Mummy or a
statue makes a crowded square safe from voluntary engulfment, doesn't
this actually add to the interest of the game?

Pending your responses, I believe I will change this back to the
where, as you may recall, it was stated that the only way to mummify a 
petrified Basilisk was tu push a Leaf Pile onto it.

gnohmon wrote on Thu, Apr 18, 2002 06:47 AM EDT:
I had thought that evaporation of ichor could be treated as a saving move,

if it takes that much explanantion and clarification, it's not worth
allowing it.

Change not made yet pending your opinions.

John Lawson wrote on Thu, Apr 18, 2002 10:42 PM EDT:
Two topics remain: <p>Ichor - There is no problem with your ichor rules. The problem resided in my head. You should leave them as they are. (I was starting the ply count the half-turn after the Wounded Fiend moved.) <p>Leaf Piles - If you get into the head of a Leaf Pile, as described, there are only two different rules that make sense: <p>1) A Leaf Pile cannot voluntarily move onto any square that contains at least one mummy or statue, period. <p>2) A Leaf Pile can voluntarily move onto to a square that contains any number of mummies and statues, if and only if there is at least one other mobile piece to engulf. <p>I haven't played the game yet, so I don't know which to recommend.

gnohmon wrote on Fri, Apr 19, 2002 11:04 AM EDT:
Excellent feedback. 

'No problem with ichor rules' -- then I won't change.

'1) A Leaf Pile cannot voluntarily move onto any square that contains
   at least one mummy or statue, period.'

This was the original rule and I think it may be better to revert to it.

'2) A Leaf Pile can voluntarily move onto to a square that contains any
   number of mummies and statues, if and only if there is at least one
   other mobile piece to engulf.'

This is what I really wanted to change it to, but I hurried and messed it
up. However, I think it makes for a faster and more exciting game if
the mummy/statue confers temporary immunity (but very double-edged
the mobile piece is compelled to move off).

Leaf piles have no heads, so you can't get into its head. However, you
have comprehended its primordial nature.

gnohmon wrote on Sun, Apr 21, 2002 10:19 PM EDT:
I have attempted to incorporate everybody's comments into
and I believe that it is now correct and can be regarded as the final

Pay attention! there is a 'Credits' section at the end. If your name should
be there but is not, please correct me so that I can apologize in private
before final publication.

Moussambani wrote on Mon, Apr 22, 2002 05:21 AM EDT:
OK, I haven't yet played the game but I have some more questions about
compulsion (Hey, I like to bend the rules to see if they broke, a good
thing to do before final publication). The question revolves around pieces
that are compelled to move, and after moving they are still compelled, this
is legal (vg Alabaster Human on d3, Obsidian Ghast on d4. d3 is compelled,
but can flee to c3 or c4 and it's still compelled. Then to the b-file to
save itself. This is legal and I have no question about that). So the rule
I derive here is that a compelled move does not need to remove compulsion.
OK, Now add an Alabaster Ghast on b3 to the previous board (which
stalemates the Human) and an Alabaster Go Away on e2 (compelled by the
Obsidian Ghast). Alabaster can make his human go to c3 by screaming GO
AWAY! this is recorded as a saving move because it goes further away of the
Obsidian Ghast. It's not moving of it's own accord so it's legal that it
approaches his own Ghast. the Human can now move to b5 fleeing both Ghasts
and compulsion would be removed, and the Go Away has several flight squares
(this term is hugely adequate here). I see this new scenario is also legal
and reinforces the rule that a compelled move (or a saving move) does not
need to remove compulsion.
OK, with this in mind I present this new situation. Alabaster Go Away on b2
(this is a new board, the Ghasts are gone). Alabaster has a compelled piece
on b3 which is Ichorous. b4 is also Ichorous. Screaming is a saving move?
My logic says yes. Now remove the Ichor on the board, and make b3 a
multiple-ocupation square. Screaming now sends both pieces on b3 to b4
which becomes multiple-ocupation. Is this a saving move? I know it sounds
weird, but looking at the previous examples it should be!

And now some lighter comments: I first found a little weird that the Go
Away was the only piece who lost its Ability when petrified, but now I find
it a nice balancing act, as the Go Away is the richest piece, you don't
want it petrified. I don't know wether this was thought to happen or just
turned out that way. Granted, Human loses his Ability to promote, but I
consider this is not an innate Ability, just one that the Powers that Be
grant brave humans who reach the end zone. Now it makes me wonder what
happens if a Human moves to a Basilisk square in the last rank. Do the
Powers that Be reward his journey and make him a Zombie or would They be
very disapointed by this fumble entering the end zone and leave him a
statue? (to keep this football analogy I've now noticed I started, it's
only necessary that the ball [ie the Human] breaks the goal line plane [ie
the line separating 7th and 8th rank] when in possession [ie alive, not
petrified] for a touchdown [ie a Zombie] to be scored.) So football rules,
say that it's a Zombie, but this is not football. Zombie or Statue? and if
a Human is pushed onto an ichorous square in the last rank, is it an Alive
Zombie (Book of Oxymorons, #427) or a Self-Destruction?

Moussambani wrote on Mon, Apr 22, 2002 05:40 AM EDT:
I also thought of a notation. I put it on a new comment because it's a
totally different subject and the previous comment was getting long.

This system will be easy to learn because it's algebraic notation. (Go
Away's initial is A, since G is taken by the Ghast). a prefixed p means
'petrified'. pB is a petrified Basilisk and so on. A move that causes
compulsion is marked +, and a stalemating move is ++; some explanation can
come after that A move that causes some changes to a piece is explained
after an =, and x means 'engulfs' (note that only Lx is legal). For a
Zombie destroying something I'd use *, for example Z*d7. (This is the only
new symbol). A Go Away that screams is recorded as moving to its own square
(and possibly an = preceding the effects). The fool's mate you show in the
document would be scored this way.

1. Bd3=pHc2,pHe2 ; Gb6 2. Be5=pHd7,pHf7? ; Gd4=pGd4++d2! 0-1

Note I used a semi-colon to separate Alabaster and Obsidian moves, because
I think commas will be common in this game and it adds clarity. Any

John Lawson wrote on Mon, Apr 22, 2002 09:03 AM EDT:
Regarding notation, I had developed a scheme to use when playing via email.
 I have pasted the essence of it below.  I like the way Moussambani records
moves, but check out my scheme for tracking ichor on an ASCII diagram.

Nemoroth notation and ASCII diagrams                     ver.1.0

 Mobile piece symbols-
 B - Basilisk
 G - Ghast
 L - Leaf Pile
 A - Go Away
 W - Wounded Fiend
 H - Human
 Z - Zombie
 b - Basilisk
 g - Ghast
 l - Leaf Pile
 a - Go Away
 w - Wounded Fiend
 h - Human
 z - Zombie

 Immobile piece symbols-

 M - Mummy

 pB - Petrified Basilisk
 pG - Petrified Ghast
 pL - Petrified Leaf Pile
 pA - Petrified Go Away
 pW - Petrified Wounded Fiend
 pH - Petrified Human
 pb - Petrified Basilisk
 pg - Petrified Ghast
 pl - Petrified Leaf Pile
 pa - Petrified Go Away
 pw - Petrified Wounded Fiend
 ph - Petrified Human

 Square types-

 Empty squares - empty squares, no special notation needed 
 Ghastly squares - determined relative to Ghast, no special notation
 Basilisk squares - determined relative to Basilisk, no special notation
 Multiple occupancy squares - occupants are listed on the first two lines
of square.  There is room for six in each square of the diagram.
 Ichorous squares -  are denoted by an 'I' in the lower left corner,
followed by the number of plies remaining until ichor evaporates. In play,
when a Wounded Fiend moves, the player moving puts 'I 10' in the
appropriate squares.  Each turn, the player on move decrements the numBer
by 1 until it reaches 0 and the ichor has evaporated.
 Example -

   | M wpb|
   |pH    |
   | I  6 |
 This square contains:
  Obsidian Wounded Fiend
  Petrified Obsidian Basilisk
  Petrified Alabaster Human
  Ichor that will evaporate in six plies (three turns)

 Notating moves -

 This is done the normal way, except indicate petrification by Basilisk,
engulfment by Leaf Pile, or destruction by Zombie like captures.  When a Go
Away pushes pieces, just list the moves as if the pieces had moved
voluntarily.  Also indicate any petrification, engulfment, or destruction
as a result of the push.

John Lawson wrote on Mon, Apr 22, 2002 08:20 PM EDT:
In response to Moussambani's earlier post, I agree that the situations you
desribe in the first paragraph regarding the Go Away are legal, but your
examples are flawed in that you don't have the pieces compelled to go away
move one square directly away from the Go Away.  The rule definately says
Instead of moving, [the Go Away] can scream GO AWAY! and all adjacent
pieces, whether friend or foe, whether mobile or immobile, are pushed one
square directly away from it. 

Regarding the interpretation of Human promotion in the second paragraph,
gnohmon will have to say for sure, but it seems to me that a Human that
arrives on the last rank is promoted to Zombie immediately, and then what
ever the resulting interactions are take place, be they immunity to
petrification or destruction by ichor.  This is similar in concept to a
Leaf Pile engulfing an adjacent Ghast as a saving move.

gnohmon wrote on Mon, Apr 22, 2002 10:30 PM EDT:
Dear Moussambani,

1. Human d3 Ghast d4, moving d3-c4 does not increase the distance and is
not satisfy the obligation to flee. Moving to c3 is okay and is still
compelled to flee further next move, as you say.

2. Obsidian Ghast d4, Alabaster Ghast b3 and human d3 and Go Away e2; Go
Away cannot scream, no distances are increased by pushing d3 to c4. Best
move maybe Ae2-g2, and then the Gd4 should be compelled to run away from
the one at b3.

The concept is that moving human from d3 to c3 increases distance and
therefore satisfies the compulsion even though additional flight will be
required, via b3 or b4 to a3 or a4 or a5.

3. Human moves to Basilisk square on last rank. Oh, that's a good one! I
didn't think of that, you have tricked me with my own rules!

A petrified Human, if pushed to the 8th rank, does not promote to a
petrified Zombie; this is an exception to the general case of pushing
petrified pieces. There is no such thing as a petrified Zombie in the rules
as they are now. What if pushing a petrified Human to 8th rank promoted it
to unpetrifiable (and therefore unpetrified and undead) Zombie? This would
keep the rules more consistent and render your question moot (whether
promote firet or petrify first, you get an unpetrified Zombie) and I think
it would almost never happen so it would not unbalance the play of the

I'll have to think about this before doing anything as radical as that.

4. Human pushed to ichorous 8th rank square; promoted, destroyed. Life is
often cruel in Nemoroth.

John Lawson wrote on Tue, Apr 23, 2002 12:57 AM EDT:
How is 'Nemoroth' pronounced? Normal (American) English pronunciation patterns would lead to a stressed first syllable with a long vowel, secondary stress on the third syllable, and a schwa for the middle vowel, but there are other, equally valid, alternatives.

Peter Aronson wrote on Tue, Apr 23, 2002 01:39 AM EDT:
You <strong><em>don't</em></strong> want to pronounce Nemoroth correctly. You really don't. But if you must, <i>do not pronounce that dread name in a room with any corners!</i> But I'm probably worrying about nothing. <br> <br> <br> Heh.

John Lawson wrote on Tue, Apr 23, 2002 01:49 AM EDT:
I haven't read a Lovecraft story in 35 years, but that stirs my memory. Could it be the Hounds of Tindalos?

Moussambani wrote on Tue, Apr 23, 2002 09:10 AM EDT:
Oh, my bad. The obsidian Ghast was supposed to be at e4 in my previous analysis.

Peter Aronson wrote on Tue, Apr 23, 2002 11:24 AM EDT:
Good memory, John! 'The Hounds of Tindalos' (which was by Frank Belknap Long, one of the Lovecraft circle) was exactly what I was referencing. <p> I've been listening to Ruddigore in my car of late (my interest in it being stirred up again by recent conversations here), and I now somehow associate The Game of Nemoroth with <a href=''>'When the Night Wind Howls'</a>.

Moussambani wrote on Tue, Apr 23, 2002 03:54 PM EDT:
<p>Just some more nit-picky (sp?) details... <p>'no mobile piece except a Zombie may move of its own accord to a Ghast Square' Should be 'no mobile piece except a Zombie may move of its own accord to a Ghast Square, <i>Except when fleeing that Ghast</i>'. That is, flight inside the Ghast range is allowed. This is well understood, it's just a matter of wording. <p>And when you say 'When a Leaf Pile makes its first voluntary move after engulfing something, it leaves behind a single Mummy', does pushing a Leaf Pile cut its digestion? Example: A Leaf Pile engulfs something, then it's pushed thrice by some Go Aways strategically situated. Finally, the Leaf Pile moves voluntarily. Do we have a new Mummy? <p>There's a typo in the 3rd paragraph of the Go Away section. 'this is only important whan a Basilisk is involved' should be 'this is only important <i>when</i> a Basilisk is involved'. <p>In Azgoroth's puzzle, you forget to mention square h1. which makes the squares you mention afterwards wrong. It should be rewritten, but maybe it's easier to say that the Fiend starts at a8 and his first move is a8-h8. <p>(BTW, aren't any records of games played by Azgoroth? What happened to them?) <p>That's all the things I found. I had fun proof-reading the rules.

gnohmon wrote on Tue, Apr 23, 2002 10:53 PM EDT:
Moussambani makes some details and then points out a dreadful 
error in Azgoroth's Simple Puzzle. 
Does this change the result of the puzzle? I begin to wonder about 
the Curse of Nemoroth. I carefully count on my barely adequate 
digits. No, is is still stalemate. 
I thank Moussambani for the other detailed corrections and also 
for the small (what a relief!) correction to the minor typo in the 
simple puzzle. 
There are no records of Azgoroth's games. He had them published on 
scrolls made of the cheapest grade of something-skin so that they 
would soon deteriorate and replacement copies be purchased.

gnohmon wrote on Tue, Apr 23, 2002 11:12 PM EDT:
Nemoroth in its prime was not truly a place of Lovecraftian horror,
although life there could be cruel. It was an innocent unthinking cruelty,
as of children, not the deeply evil cruelty of the unspeakably ancient
Powers that the few survivors of Nemoroth eventually became.

'We spectres are a jollier crew than you perhaps suppose' is, however, a
much too disneyfied interpretation of what the place was like.

At least, that's how I see it; of course, pronouncing the place name
correctly just might draw the attention of one of its survivors, and
therefore is not advisable.

In the Lovecraftian ethos, evil and ancientness are often paired, and so my
picture of the young city of Nemoroth, innocently cruel, wielding great
powers beyond our understanding, but not yet grown to full and mature evil,
seems to me to be consistent with Lovecraft.

In our days, faceless and intangible incorporeal Corporations use invisible
forces to manipulate 'electrons' that form images and symbols on television
screens, images and symbols which cast a spell compelling their viewers to
buy! buy! buy!; and therefore we have modern referents that make the Powers
of ancient times seem to us to be not so strange after all.

In defense of Ruddigore, I will say that any excuse to have its excellent
words and music repeating in one's mind is quite good enough. And, after
all, if a man can't listen to Ruddigore in his own head, whose head can

Peter Aronson wrote on Wed, Apr 24, 2002 11:03 AM EDT:
Gnohmon, 'When the Night Winds Howl' wasn't a rational selection to match Nemoroth, but rather an association made somewhere in the depths of my subconscious. And the instrumental component would work well enough.

gnohmon wrote on Wed, Apr 24, 2002 11:27 AM EDT:
Speaking of disneyfied images moving on a screen, 'Pennies from Heaven',
Columbia Pictures 1936, ''A romantic comedy starring Bing Crosby which
features Louis Armstrong and his Orchestra in a nightclub sequence
performing 'Skeleton in the Closet'...

You never heard such unearthly laughter, such hilarious moans, when the
skeleton in the closet rattled his bones (from memory)

When the skeleton in the closet started to dance makes a far less
appropriate song for Nemoroth than the gosts' high noon.

There is always that violin valse macabre that the classical radio stations
play on Halloween...

John Lawson wrote on Wed, Apr 24, 2002 12:59 PM EDT:
Do you mean 'Danse Macabre', by Saint-Saens? There's also something like that I can't quite remember in his 'Carnival of the Animals'.

gnohmon wrote on Wed, Apr 24, 2002 09:26 PM EDT:
> Do you mean 'Danse Macabre' ...

Perhaps. It's the one that goes da DAAA da Daaaa da daaa da daaa da
dadadadadadadun dun dun, right?

John Lawson wrote on Wed, Apr 24, 2002 09:44 PM EDT:
Yes, that's it!

John Lawson wrote on Wed, Apr 24, 2002 09:46 PM EDT:
Actually, it's here.

John Lawson wrote on Thu, Apr 25, 2002 01:09 AM EDT:
This is the other Saint-Saens piece I was thinking of.  It is Carnival of
the Animals, Fossils.  The link takes you directly to the midi file.

Moussambani wrote on Fri, Apr 26, 2002 05:26 AM EDT:
OK, who of you asked for the wrong furniture?

PS: If you don't know what I'm talking about, then it's not you.

Moussambani wrote on Thu, May 9, 2002 02:55 AM EDT:
There's a well-known old philosophical problem that states: 'If a Go Away
screams on the middle of a board, and there's no one near to hear it, does
it count as a valid move?'

Well, The question here is if one could 'pass' by making an isolated Go
Away scream. On first thought, I said that this was not legal because it
would be a repetition, but it's not true because now the other player is on
move. Additionally, if some ichor is on the board it evaporates if only
partially, so even the board changes, not only the player on move.

This of course doesn't save anybody, so it's legal only if you have no
compelled pieces (unless you use evaporation as a saving move). But should
it be allowed? Why would someone do that is beyond my range, but maybe some
day a situation will arise in that this is desirable. So, is it legal?

gnohmon wrote on Fri, May 10, 2002 09:26 PM EDT:
1. Please transfer the official rules page to

2. If a Go Away screams in the middle of a desert and nobody hears it, has
it screamed at all? The answer, in the Game of Nemoroth, is 'No!'. 

3. I lost the email with the clever Nemoroth notation, and the clever
diagrams that can give all the info. Why isn't it a page yet?

4. I have uploaded a file with a sample game that I saw in a dream of
Nemoroth. I have editied it less than I should for the same reason that I
have been out of touch for awhile -- I foolishly reinstalled Alpha Centauri
on my computer.

5. An extensive discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of
moving the Ghast to f3 or f6 needs to be written. For a few hours I feared
that the manouevre provided an instawin.... but now I once again think it's
not a good idea.

Peter Aronson wrote on Sat, May 11, 2002 11:49 AM EDT:
There's a mistake here -- Ralph didn't want the previous page <strong>replaced</strong> by the rules page, he wanted it to reference it or be merged with it! I have a copy of the old page at work and will fix it on Monday, unless one of the other editors has a pre-modification copy. <p> Sorry Ralph!

Peter Aronson wrote on Sat, May 11, 2002 03:26 PM EDT:
OK, I've gotten ahold of the original page, and will attempt to merge them
this weekend.  John Lawson has also promised me the e-mail notation when he
has time from making his house unnaturally clean.

Peter Aronson wrote on Sat, May 11, 2002 08:10 PM EDT:
OK, the pages have been combined and uploaded.  Please send all complaints
to [email protected].

Moussambani wrote on Sat, Jun 29, 2002 11:05 AM EDT:
Do Alabaster cities gleam?

gnohmon wrote on Sat, Jun 29, 2002 11:30 PM EDT:
Alabaster cities gleam in the light of the sun; but in the ancient age when
the world was still under construction, there were alabaster cities,
construction towns, that existed before there was a Sun; and later, when
the Sun was periodically turned off for maintenance, no gleam. Without the
sun, Alabaster cities merely glimmer with a lambent ambient light.

Obsidian cities tend to glisten. In fact, obsidian is nothing but glass,
artificially produced, and though one often thinks of it as being colored
black, it can be light green or transparent, or many other colors. If
obsidian is merely glass, are not all modern cities obsidian? And does this
not tell you which side is winning?

John Lawson wrote on Sat, Jun 29, 2002 11:46 PM EDT:
Based on my slight playing experience with Nemoroth, and considering how many Humans were left unpetrified and unmummified at the end of the game (3 out of 16), I suspect that it matters not which side is winning, the Humans are toast either way.

Moussambani wrote on Thu, Oct 3, 2002 04:20 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
Well, I wanted to relive this game! let's see if I can manage to do it.

Has anyone tested it and can give the results? I'd also like to repeat
some early analysis I made but I made a typo on it, rendering it invalid.

*Case 1. Alabaster Human d3; Obsidian Ghast e4.
d3 is compelled to move. Out of his usually available five moves, only two
of them actually flee the Ghast. They are Hc3 or Hc4. This human is still
compelled to flee to the b file on the next move.

*Case 2. Alabaster Human d3, Ghast b3, Go Away e2; Obsidian Ghast e4.
now the human moves to the c files are illegal, since he would be
approaching his own Ghast. But there's a saving move: Ae2 [reminder: on my
notation, a Go Away scream is recorded as moving to his own square]. The
scream pushes the Human to c4. The Human is still compelled, but now Hb5
(fleeing both Ghasts) is legal.

*Case 3. Alabaster Go Away a2, Human a3; Obsidian Ghast d4; Ichor on a3
and a4.
Now it gets tricky. Is screaming legal? [My thought: It was compelled to
move off of an ichorous square, and he did so. He is now compelled to move
off of a *different* Ichorous square.] Well, Is it valid?

*Case 4. Alabaster Go Away a2, Human a3; Obsidian Ghast d4; Mummy a3.
Well, This is even trickier. Now the Human can go to a4 on his own, but is
screaming valid? [Rationale: I think it should be to be consistent with
case 3, ie this is another multiple occupancy square.]

And now for something completely different. My thoughts on the pieces.

Basilisk: This is powerful, but using his ability also reduces his
mobility.  So it needs to be careful to not to petrify many pieces at once
or it can get in trouble. Grade: B

Ghast: The compelling thing is great, This piece can be deadly if placed
correctly. There is a nice balancing act, though. This piece is
thrice-colorbound. But it seems hard to stop nonetheless. Grade: B+

Go Away: This is a killer. Albeit colorbound, this piece can create lots
of trouble. If you push your opponent's Go Away orthogonally, he has now
both Go Aways on the same color. Severe Balancing Act: It's the only piece
that stops working when petrified. A petrified Go Away could as well be a
petrified Human. Still... Grade: A

Leaf Pile: Simple and Deadly. But it's slow. Still, be careful of where
your opponent places his Leaf Piles. Grade: A-

Wounded Fiend: Being a rider is such a disadvantage in this game. No, he
can't run through a Ghast range to the other side, he can't cross a
basilisk gaze... But he can block squares for a limited time... (If we put
the poor Alabaster Human of the cases before on d3, and the Obsidian Ghast
at e4, but now we add an Obsidian Wounded Fiend at b5, after 1. Hc3(4)
1... Wb2++ wins by stalemating the Human, trapped in between ichor and a
Ghast.) Grade: C+

Human: No wonder there are so many, otherwise you blink and you miss them:
This poor guys have no power and suffer all sort of troubles. You can make
Zombies out of them, but that's so hard... Grade: D

Zombie: Now this guy has power! If he can keep away from Ichor, they are
quite a force to reckon with. Grade: A+

Statues: Several kind of statues, and (almost) all of them still useful in
a way or another. Still they are immobile... Grade: no way I can give a
single grade, they're so different.

Mummy: OK, an immobile piece with no power whatsoever, and if you want to
use them to block it will need lots of strategy. This is a no-brainer.
Grade: F

Disclaimer: I haven't played Nemoroth, so all this is out of thinking, not
actual experience.

Finally, I'd like to ask who of you asked for the wrong furniture...


Moussambani, who never has been in Mine's End and never completed Sokoban.
The Quest? Maybe some year in the 2030s...

Chuck wrote on Fri, Aug 8, 2003 03:28 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
One question about ichorous squares.  In the discussion of ichorous
squares, it states:

'If pushed onto an ichorous square, a mobile piece other than Zombie is
compelled to move off. Exception: if the ichor will evaporate after you
make your move but before your opponent moves, you can ignore it.'

Does this mean:
a) a piece on a ichorous square, where the last bit of ichor will
evaporate immediately following the player's move, is not compelled to
move?  OR
b) a piece on a ichorous square, where the last bit of ichor will
evaporate immediately following the player's move, is compelled to move,
but the evaporation of the last bit of ichor constitutes a saving move?

It makes a difference if the player has another piece is compelled for
some other reason.  If (a) is the case, he must move the other piece, or
make a saving move for the compulsion on that other piece, since that is
his only compulsion.  If (b), he can make any legal move, since the
evaporation of the ichor is a saving move for an existing compulsion.

Moussambani wrote on Sun, Aug 10, 2003 09:03 PM EDT:
My interpretation is for rules simplicity. The rules state:

a) A piece on an ichorous square IS compelled to move.

b) Ichor evaporation counts as a saving move.

So I'd say that, even if you have more compelled pieces, any legal move
can be done.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sun, Aug 31, 2003 07:15 PM EDT:Good ★★★★
Insane?. May be, but as my first impression, I think that this game is playable. It is a good candidate to be in the PBM system, and it is possible that there are candidates to play a well-thought test game of Nemoroth. Perhaps, I am one of them.

John Lawson wrote on Sun, Aug 31, 2003 11:20 PM EDT:

I have the scores of two medium-decent games played by Ben Good and me. 
If you'd like to see them, drop me a private email.

The major notational problem is ichor.

Paul Townsend wrote on Sun, Oct 19, 2003 03:10 PM EDT:Good ★★★★
Don't like the name 'Go Away' since it seems out of character with the ghoulish names of the other pieces. I set me down to think, and came up with the alternative name 'Banshee' with, of course, its special 'move' redesignated a 'wail'.

David Short wrote on Sat, Oct 25, 2003 11:43 PM EDT:
is very easy to understand!!

Paul Townsend wrote on Sun, Oct 26, 2003 03:42 PM EST:
We *must* have a petrified Human transmogrified into a Zombie on being
pushed to the far side. Otherwise there is no use for a petrified Human,
he may as well be a Mummy.
(What power/function/influence does a petrified Go-Away have?)

John Lawson wrote on Mon, Oct 27, 2003 12:51 PM EST:
From the rules:
'The Go Away can be petrified, and a petrified Go Away is mute.'
So a petrified Go Away is just another piece of impedimenta on the board,
and its scream is a resource that is no longer avalable.

As for petrified Humans promoting to Zombies anyway, that might be
interesting to try out.  In my limited (four games) experience, even
petrified Humans got nowhere near the far rank.  One's tempi were better
used elsewhere, specifically in maneuvering the Basilisk, Ghast, and Go

L. Lynn Smith wrote on Tue, Oct 28, 2003 04:06 PM EST:
Paul wrote that he wanted a name for the 'Go Away' which fitted this
theme.  May I suggest 'Dread'.  This refers to a creature which causes
intense fear in its victim.

If you've ever felt fear without cause, there might have been a
nearby.  As it approachs, it will cause the victim to flee.  Its scream
would do the same.

There have been many descriptions of this creature, but no-one is
supposed to have seen it.  Since all that do have perished.

Paul Townsend wrote on Sat, Nov 8, 2003 01:30 PM EST:
Yes I like the name 'Dread', and it has a unique initial for notation purposes - there is no other piece whose name begins with D. So the Wail of the Banshee shall be heard no more in the land.

L. Lynn Smith wrote on Sun, Nov 9, 2003 06:35 AM EST:
A while back I started working on a ZRF for this game.  But quickly got
bogged down in all the conditionals.  So I shelved it until my brain
stopped hurting.

I am now considering picking up where I left off.  And I would welcome
assistance that the enthusiasts of this game can offer.  Contributions
be not only in coding but also graphics and sounds.  This one will
definitely need play-testers, so there's work for all.

Moisés Solé wrote on Sun, Nov 9, 2003 10:50 AM EST:
Yay! I loved this game when I read about it! (thought I've never had played it). Sadly, I can't code to save my own life, so there's not much help I can offer

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sun, Nov 9, 2003 04:17 PM EST:Excellent ★★★★★
You seem to be a very good programmer using Zillions, and I think you are clearly better than me in this kind of work, so my help to you in coding may be close to inutile. But I can offer high-quality (?. Subjective opinion) graphics for pieces and boards, and certainly, a lot of work play-testing this great and unconventional game!

John Lawson wrote on Sun, Nov 9, 2003 09:40 PM EST:
I can't code, but I have actually played some games of Nemoroth, would be glad to help playtest when the time comes.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Mon, Nov 10, 2003 06:55 PM EST:
Larry, what is the state of the code for Nemoroth?. May I help?. I can try the graphics, but if so, I need know some details of the programming. I´m not sure the best way to manage the graphics of multiple-ocuppied squares, but I have some ideas about. One question: Why don´t become a member of TCVP?. You are part of the Chess Variants fans community, and of the kind of people that we ever need here. WELCOME!.

Robert Price wrote on Sat, Jan 17, 2004 05:17 AM EST:Excellent ★★★★★
I would love to help in coding Nemoroth in Zillions, just as soon as I can convince myself that it's possible at all. <p> As I understand it, piece <i>attributes</i> can not change the <i>appearance</i> of a piece, so a petrified Basilisk, for example, must be implemented as a different piece-<i>type</i> from an ordinary Basilisk (if you want them to look different), even though their non-voluntary behaviors are identical. <p> A far greater concern is multiple-occupancy. The usual approach is to declare a piece-type for every <i>combination</i> of pieces that may coexist on a space. Add to that the need to distinguish between petrified and fleshy, friendly and enemy (because such strange bedfellows may indeed come to share a space). And realize that pile-ups of more than two may easily arise... All of a sudden, Octi's library of 256 piece-types (<a href=''></a>) is looking downright trivial by comparison. <p> From the game-logic standpoint, I intend to investigate the possibility of treating each of the 64 spaces similarly to a <i>prison</i> in the ZRF for Shogi. From the graphical standpoint, we can't afford simply to divide each square into a 3x3 grid of positions as I did for <a href=''>Edge Chess</a>, or people will need a magnifying glass to see the great graphics someone's going to make for the pieces. Instead, the cells of my prison will overlap, and with a well-defined order of precedence. I learned from <a href=''>Platform Chess</a> that the later-defined space will have its contents drawn before a sooner-defined space. This works perfectly. The front cell of the prison will dominate most of each space, with four more behind it kind of peeking in from the corners. Clicking-and-dragging a piece from the prison works as expected; if you grab a pixel that belongs to two spaces, Zillions assumes you mean the one it drew out in front. So if you want to move your Human that someone's gone and pushed a Basilisk statue onto, you can click on the visible portion of his puny form and command him, exactly as if two pieces really were present on the same space at the same time. <P> <b>Anyway,</b> multiple occupancy is what struck me as the big difficulty. Besides that, the non-simultaneous nature of the Go Away shout may not be pretty. One solution is to present a big pop-up menu consisting of all possible orders in which to push the victims (or only those which are substantially different due to the presence of basilisks). I would hate to have to use one move per push, because that's the sort of thing that weakens the computer opponent. <p> The evaporation of ichor is something that will just have to be managed by a ?Moderator who is programmed to scan the board and decrement all the ichor-plies by one. This raises another point... in order for ichor to be visible, it has to be a piece-type. I could do that by making a position behind each prison, where the ichor would sit. If the graphics designer wants to make ten different pictures of ichor, that's great, because each ply of ichor is going to be a different piece-type, and when the board is covered in broad sweeps of the stuff, the players are entitled to know which ichor is ickier. <p> Compulsion is tough to describe - it's slightly more complicated than the move-priority construct which in Checkers requires you to jump if able. But it is definitely doable. A piece is never compelled to make any <i>particular</i> move, only to make a <i>legal</i> one, provided the 'legal' constraint handles the details like preventing a piece within 2 of a Ghast from moving-without-fleeing. (note the beauty in Nemoroth on this point: The same *legality* constraint appies whether the Ghast is friendly or enemy; the only difference is that a piece within range of an <i>enemy</i> Ghast is compelled during its move generation.) Imposing move-priority and also (somehow) verifying that either a compelled piece was moved, or no compelled piece remains (after the immediate effects of the move have happened) comes very close to fitting the bill. <p> This sounds like an extraordinary game, and it certainly was presented in a marvelous way.

Larry Smith wrote on Mon, Jan 19, 2004 06:58 AM EST:

Roberto and I have been in e-mail discussion about the implementation of
this game.  He has volunteered for the graphics.

I have worked up a number of ideas on the handling of the code.  There
being several ways to approach each of the various conditions in this

We should establish a discussion group specific for individuals interested
in participating in this project.  It would need to be a location which
allows the posting of data files, so participants can easily exchange the
lengthy examples of coding which will become part of this implementation.

Anonymous wrote on Thu, Sep 9, 2004 04:32 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
This actully has more comments than the offical FIDE rules of chess

Ingrid Lael wrote on Wed, Jan 11, 2006 12:33 AM EST:Excellent ★★★★★
Hi there!, first off, GREAT game, tremendous depth...

Anyway, just a couple of questions that came to my mind while reading the rules for the 10th time (I probably know them by hard now, I just love reading them =P):

1) Suppose we've got a mummy and a statue in the same square (possible, thanks to the marbelous deeds of a Go Away/Banshee/Dread), now if pushed once more, they'll travel toghether, right? (i guess the same would happen with any combinations of contents being pushed as a matter of fact).

2) Well, that was pretty silly, but how about this one: suppose there's a Leaf Pile engulfing them (or whatever else you care for it to engulf) and a Go Away/Banshee/Dread pushes, will the engulfed piece be pushed as well? or is it just the Leaf Pile that gets pushed leaving behind the engulfed pieces unharmed?

3) Now that I'm at it, about engulfing, by it you mean that the 'engulfed' pieces cannot move, right? It's kind of logical since they are 'removed' from the board and only the Leaf Pile remains.

4) Any ideas as to how many different statues could there be? I mean, a petrified Go Away/Banshee/Dread is pretty much like a petrified Human for that matter (I think I read a comment addressing the same issue).

5) Any ideas as for how many pieces (maximun amount) can there be in a single position? Something like an Upper bound...?

OK, that's pretty much it, great game!


Ingrid Lael wrote on Thu, Jan 12, 2006 03:22 AM EST:
Hi, me again...

I've got just one more question (for the moment at least), it regards
Ghasts and the compulsion to flee them.

Let me see if I got it right.

Consider this 'diagram':

| 5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 4 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
| 3 | 1 | G | 1 | 3 |
| 4 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
| 5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Whilst fleeing the Ghast, a piece in any of the numbered squares can only
move to a higher-numbered one, right? Now, suppose this particular piece
is a rider (a Wounded Fiend actually, since Zombies fear not the hideous
Ghast), can it approach the Ghast (by riding through a lower-numbered
square) if it ends its move past the Ghast's influence? or should it
in the direction indicated by higher-numbered squares only?

(for example: can a Wounded Fiend in a '2' square ride horizontally
through the '1' square ending its move past the '4' square, or must
flee in the opposite direction?)

Thanks in advance for your time.


PS: I hope this 'thread'/game/whatever (I dunno how to call a series of
follow-ups on comments) is not dead but just a bit dated, I'd really
to play this game!!

David Paulowich wrote on Thu, Jan 12, 2006 09:21 AM EST:
The 2002-06-30 Comment by 'gnohmon' is the last time Ralph Betza visited this page. Sad to say, there are hundreds of forgotten games on this web site. But if any game can 'come back from the dead', it would be Nemoroth!

Ingrid Lael wrote on Thu, Jan 12, 2006 06:09 PM EST:
:((((((((( terrible, really....

Well, I guess I'll just read the rules more carefully or 'fill in the
holes' myself in order to play it.

Terrible, terrible news....

Thanks for your time.


Anonymous wrote on Mon, Jan 7, 2008 08:08 AM EST:Good ★★★★
A question?

Can a go away push pieces off the board? If not what would happen if a go
away on g8 used it's special move on a piece on h8?

George Duke wrote on Wed, Jan 23, 2008 02:43 PM EST:Excellent ★★★★★
Nemeroth is about the most complicated Chess game made. What others are as complex in Rules, or Mutators? We have several specifically in mind to mention in follow-up by February. Nemeroth redeems itself in fascinating theme and Betza's legendary style. To play Nemeroth, as has actually been done by John Lawson and Ben Good (See sample games' articles), overseen by Betza himself, is another story. Playing Nemeroth requires activation of as many as 40 Mutators at once, in first approximation. So many Mutators activated have bearing on our '91.5 x 10^12...' Comments, where we develop CV Rules-sets mounting in number towards equality with number of atoms in Earth, the Solar System, eventually the Universe. Anyone can make up a CV in few minutes, as Pritchard points out in 'ECV', but some are far better than others. Few individuals have knack of Betza; the worst of the others mostly just rearrange known quantities, then often relying on self-promotion or outspokenness. Best CVs of all may be one-time inspirations of creative persons not bent on proliferation or willful designs for their own sake. Even Betza's very best may have been Chess-Unequal-Armies early on(1980). One exception in a great one is Rococo that they seemed just to work on for long time until getting it right. I invented and finished(as it turned out) Falcon Chess in an hour talking to friend Vera Cole, but now 15 years after December 1992, still fine-tune priority of choices for the most desirable starting arrays. Can complicated CVs actually be played strategically? We restrict Mutators activated and interacting to 32 in number in the cumulative tallies at '91.5 Trillion...' Necessary follow-up Comments for both articles, Nemeroth and 'Falcon 91.5 Trillion...', will show this great Nemeroth itself more complex than any of ours counted there. In fact, no one has analyzed fine Nemeroth fully by piece-types, power density, and its triple win conditions, as we intend full Game Design Analysis. Also, questions (Comments) by Ingrid Lael on the compulsion to flee 'Ghasts', and the other Commenter's only this month are yet unanswered.

George Duke wrote on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 06:57 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
The other half of Nemeroth, and the more complete Rules-set, for Halloween. John Lawson and Ben Good played number of recorded games, but there is no Preset for Nemeroth's (over)-complicated rules.

John Lawson wrote on Thu, Oct 30, 2008 12:10 AM EDT:
Nemoroth is very difficult to play legally.  I think every game Ben and I played, there were illegal moves that had to be taken back, usually involving the effects of the Ghast.
You may also note that no one ever posted a Nemoroth variant.  I toyed with one based on bodily functions, but it was untested, and I am as far from Ralph Betza as can be.  I never posted it, as a 'humor' piece, because it would have violated the CVP's G rating. (For those not familiar with the US movie ratings, a G rated film has no sex, no violence, and is considered suitable for very young children.)

Adrian King wrote on Mon, Dec 8, 2008 06:36 PM EST:Excellent ★★★★★
Raplh Betza posted this game after I stopped haunting the Chess Variant
Pages around 2000, and so I didn't become aware of it until recently. And
having become aware of it, I am (like some of the previous posters)
intrigued by the extreme challenge (apparently yet unmet) of writing a ZRF
for it.

In response to Robert Price's post of 2004-01-17, it seems to me that the
nonsimultaneous shout of the Go Away is actually a more interesting problem
than multiple occupancy. As far as I know, Mr. Price's proposal to treat
this as a 3-dimensional game with visually overlapping cells is, although
a pain to code, the appropriate solution for Zillions. However, I believe
it is infeasible to code a Go Away shout as a single Zillions move. As Mr.
Price implies, using add-partial to code a shout as a series of all legal
submoves is likely to result in a very weak computer opponent, because
Zillions will be able to look ahead only a very short distance when a
complicated shout is available. Nonetheless, I think you have to do just

The reason why the shout is so troublesome is that in the worst case, a Go
Away can be surrounded by a large number of pieces, including both
Basilisks. As I understand it, the order in which a Go Away pushes pieces
does not matter unless it pushes Basilisks; but if does push Basilisks,
then it matters which pieces are pushed before and which after each

That means that when a Go Away is surrounding by n non-Basilisk pieces
subject to petrification (that is, n pieces that are not Basilisks, and
not statues or otherwise immune to the Basilisk's glare), the number of
distinct moves a Go Away can make is equal to the number of ways to
partition a set into b + 1 parts, where b is the number of Basilisks among
the n pieces.

For a large n (say, 8 or so, but multiple occupancy can result in an even
larger n than 8), this is a big enough number for one Basilisk (256 for n
= 8), and an even bigger one for two (6561 for n = 8). Certainly the
number could be big enough that the menu of move choices Zillions would
display for a single-move Go Away shout would be substantially larger than
the average computer screen. I know such menus are broken into multiple
columns when longer than the height of  the screen, but a big shout could
easily fill the entire width of the screen with such columns, and still
not be done. What happens then? I've never seen a program display such a
long list of choices, but my experience with Microsoft products leads to
me fear that Windows does not handle the situation gracefully.

However, I think there is a solution involving add-partial that is near
optimal. Code it as follows: first move all the non-Basilisk
petrification-immune pieces simultaneously, and then move each of the
remaining pieces in a partial move. I think the result in terms of
lookahead difficulty is the same for Zillions as for a single-move shout,
but the menus should be manageable for a human player.

If someone who understands the implications of the rules of Nemoroth
better than I do figures out that there is actually a tight enough
constraint on the number of nonpetrifiable pieces that can be adjacent to
a Go Away that the unitary Go Away move actually is feasible, I'd welcome
the news.

In any case, Nemoroth is an extremely deep game, much more so than any
other pure strategy game I know of, and computers are likely to play it
very badly for the foreseeable future.

An alternative to implementing the full rules might be to nerf the Go
Away, and code its shout as simultaneous (move all the pieces first, and
only then calculate the Basilisks' effects). This would not really be
Nemoroth, of course; it would be a less deep variant (you might call it
Nemoroth Lite), but computers might play it better.

As an aside, I'm grateful for John Lawson's comment of 2008-10-30, where
he says it's difficult to play Nemoroth legally. When I first read the
rules, I thought, there's no way I'd be able to figure out what was a
legal move in this game without a computer to help me. I'm glad it's not
just my own thickheadedness.

Larry Smith wrote on Tue, Dec 9, 2008 06:33 PM EST:Excellent ★★★★★
While re-visiting the comments for this game, I realized that I had not given it a rating. So now I correct that oversight.

I've finally accepted that this game will be extremely difficult to code. So for the sake of my own sanity I have given up such an attempt. But it has been fun trying. Like hitting myself with a hammer. :)

This is not to say that it will not eventually be coded. I just realize that it will probably need its own dedicated program to accomplish this. And such a project will be merely a labor of love(or obsession) because there will probably never be sufficient monetary reward to cover this effort.

If anyone decides to make such an attempt, they have my sympathy. ;-)

Anonymous wrote on Sun, Sep 19, 2010 11:03 AM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
Instead of 'Multiple Occupancy', why not use 'Crowdness' to indicate
the status of multiple pieces on the same square? That sounds better and

Also I think, if one wants to rewrite the rule for readability, what he
needs is to modify the order to introduce the pieces and statuses.

For example:

1. Humans, starting at the normal pawn squares, moves 1 square without
capture in 5 directions, namely 1 forward one, 2 diagonally forward ones,
and 2 sideways ones. Upon arriving at the 8th rank promotes to Zombies,
which are very strong. Just remember the name for now.

2. Go Aways, starting at the normal bishop squares, jumps 2 rookwise or
moves 1 diagonally. Instead of moving, may scream, which push adjacent
things away. Pushing things onto non-empty squares results in crowded ones.
Living things that find themselves in a crowd are compelled to move out.

Compulsions: the status in which ...

Just like that. I don't have time to write a full version, just want
anyone else to do it.

Anonymous wrote on Tue, Oct 5, 2010 03:23 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
'Mobile pieces within the range of an allied Ghast are not compelled to
move, but when they do move they must flee.'

Wait...does the Go Away's scream count as a movement? If a Go Away is on a
square in the range of a friendly Ghast, is it permitted to scream?

I assume that the answer is 'yes,' since the example game includes a
portion in which an Alabaster Go Away screams while adjacent to an
Alabaster Ghast.

(I'm interested in clarifying all these rules, since I'm trying to code
this game in time for Halloween.)

nnz wrote on Mon, Oct 25, 2010 09:16 PM EDT:
Is it legal to push a piece from an ichorous square to another ichorous square?

John Lawson wrote on Wed, Oct 27, 2010 01:02 AM EDT:
No, I don't think so. 'No piece, neither friend nor foe, will dare venture upon an an ichorous square'

Anonymous wrote on Wed, Mar 30, 2011 06:42 PM EDT:

One of the major problems that I find in coding this game is calculating all possible moves for a Go Away when it is adjacent to one or both Basilisks. Obviously, a computer program can't loop through all 40320 possibilities and check each one! Does anyone have any suggestions for optimizations?

John Lawson wrote on Sun, Apr 3, 2011 11:44 PM EDT:
I don't understand why you see so many alternatives. What is your thinking on the interaction of the Go-Away and the Basilisk?

Anonymous wrote on Fri, Apr 15, 2011 04:34 PM EDT:

I'll try to explain as best as I can. This is what I want the computer to do:

Given a Go Away surrounded by one or more pieces, get all the distinct positions the Go Away can produce by screaming.

This is a trivial problem if there are no Basilisks involved, but otherwise it's quite difficult. There are many pushing orders and only a few different resulting positions.

In a worst-case scenario, we may have the Go Away surrounded by both Basilisks and six other pieces. In such a case, there are 8! = 40320 different ways the eight pieces can be pushed, but only a few of those have distinct resulting positions. If we choose to loop through all of the ways, we'll be iterating over tens of thousands of redundant orders! That's not good for efficiency.

Jeremy Lennert wrote on Sat, Apr 16, 2011 09:08 AM EDT:
If only the Basilisks complicate matters (and not the relative order of
other pieces), then at worst you need to consider every ordering of
Basilisks and decide whether each other piece is moved before, between, or
after them, which is 2 * 3^6 = 1458 combinations.  With one adjacent
Basilisk, the worst case is 2^7 = 128.  I suspect that's plenty small to
brute force.

But if you want to be clever, I believe the only times order matters are
when a Basilisk sees a pushed piece's destination before the Basilisk
moves (so it petrifies that piece only if moved second), or when it sees a
pushed piece's origin after the Basilisk moves (so it petrifies that piece
only if moved first).  So you can list all the potential interactions where
order matters:

Basilisk N relative to NW and NE
Basilisk S relative to E and W
Basilisk E or W relative to N
Basilisk SE or SW relative to S
(A Basilisk NW or SW would petrify the Go Away and prevent it from

Where N (north) is the average direction of the Basilisk's Knight moves;
so with a Go Away on e4, an Alabaster Basilisk on e5 is 'north' and so
order-dependent with d5 and f5, but an Obsidian Basilisk on e5 is 'south'
and so order-dependent with d4 and f4.

So the order of the Basilisk only matters relative to at most 2 other
pieces, giving at most 8 permutations in the worst case (there's only one
case where both Basilisks affect the same pieces, and in that particular
case you might as well move the Basilisks simultaneously).

Jeremy Lennert wrote on Sat, Apr 16, 2011 09:31 AM EDT:
Sorry, 16 permutations.

John Lawson wrote on Sun, Apr 17, 2011 09:00 AM EDT:
Whew! OK, I'm going to think about that for a while (I have to go back and study the interactions section). Don't Ghasts also cause you a problem, since they can trigger cascading flight?

Jeremy Lennert wrote on Sun, Apr 17, 2011 01:24 PM EDT:
If it wasn't obvious from my previous post on push-order of Basilisks during a scream, once you identify the pieces whose order matters, the screaming player effectively gets to choose, independently for each piece, whether to petrify it or not. So you don't necessarily even need to code an explicit order of movements, just present a list of the relevant pieces with a 'Petrify? Y/N' choice for each one.

The push-order of Ghasts doesn't seem to matter, because pushing a piece closer to a Ghast is not illegal (the move is not voluntary), and whether you satisfied a compulsion to flee presumably depends only on distances at the very end of the turn.

To respond to a couple of earlier questions:

I don't see why pushing a piece from an ichorous square to another ichorous square would be illegal; the piece is not *voluntarily* entering ichor.

A Go Away that is adjacent to a friendly Ghast may certainly scream, because that pushes the Ghast away and thus counts as fleeing (since distance is increased). A Go Away that is within range of a friendly Ghast but not adjacent to it seems to me like it should not be able to scream, but that is just my guess at the answer.

Jeremy Lennert wrote on Sun, Apr 17, 2011 03:16 PM EDT:
This example from the rules strikes me as inconsistent: 'If a Human that is compelled to flee a Ghast can advance to its eighth rank and thus promote to a fearless Zombie, it does not matter whether the move is a geometrical flight; by promoting, it removes its compulsion to flee and thus is saved.'

For example, Obsidian Ghast on d8, Alabaster Human on f7, Human f7-e8=Zombie.

Although promotion removes the compulsion, there is ALSO a rule that a piece cannot approach either Ghast (even when it is not under compulsion at all). Thus, it seems that this move should be illegal; not because it fails to satisfy the compulsion, but because it violates the restriction against approaching a Ghast.

However, a Go Away on g6 could scream, pushing the Human to e8. This does not violate the restriction, because the Human is not approaching the Ghast voluntarily, and it removes the compulsion, because the Human is promoted to a Zombie.

John Lawson wrote on Sun, Apr 17, 2011 03:45 PM EDT:
My point about the Ghast was not about pushing a piece closer to a Ghast, but pushing the Ghast itself.  There is no compulsion for a Go-Away to flee a friendly Ghast if it approaches, but if the Go-Away screams, the Ghast will move and potentially create compulsions in other pieces not affected by the Go-Away's scream.  It says in the rules 'The Go Away cannot approach a Ghast, and may be compelled to flee an enemy Ghast (but pushing the Ghast further away counts as flight).'
The mind boggles.

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