Check out Omega Chess, our featured variant for September, 2024.

Kibbitz Listing

Game: Amoeba Log: avunjahei-cvgameroom-2015-249-441
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
Game: Racing Kings Log: avunjahei-shatteredglass-2015-273-781
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
Tried to resign the other game, but it didnt work
Game: Chesimals I Log: avunjahei-cvgameroom-2015-155-920
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
not that difficult
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
No experience yet.
Game: Hanga Roa Log: avunjahei-cvgameroom-2015-255-695
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
I moved your piece back, because your move was illegal.
Game: Amoeba Log: avunjahei-cvgameroom-2015-249-441
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
This is copied from the user's guide: 'To add a space where there wasn't one, you can either add a piece there, which will automatically add a space too, or you can just drop an empty space on the location. You can do this by using the @ sign to represent an empty space. For example, @-a9 would add a new empty space at the location a9. To remove a space, move nothing to it, as in -f3, which tells the program that neither a piece nor an empty space should occupy location f3.' To shift a space you have to remove it and add it somewhere else.
Game: Hanga Roa Log: avunjahei-cvgameroom-2015-255-695
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
The moves in this game must be typed by hand. You write the move by yourself, for example 'e2-f3; I-f8' for throwing a stone on f8
Game: Amoeba Log: avunjahei-cvgameroom-2015-249-441
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
I do that for you.
Game: Chesimals I Log: avunjahei-cvgameroom-2015-155-920
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
the crucial thing is the endgame. a lone commander will be very hard to chase.
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
The game idea is ingenious. If it works I for my part do not yet know. It could be an esssentially drawish game, as many chess variants are that do not use pawns. If it turns out to work well, though, I would not change anything.
Game: Hanga Roa Log: avunjahei-cvgameroom-2015-155-935
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
1. If possible move the ariki and throw stones. 2. Try to gain territory and mobility 3. Never answer an attack of the ariki with the matatoa. He can eat up one stone only, while the ariki can thrtow two, so he has no chance. 4. Do not advance your moa early in the game, he will get captured. Advance him only to territory, that is controled by your ariki
Game: Storm the Ivory Tower Log: redpanda-cvgameroom-2015-155-915
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
Julian, you are a crank.
Game: Cataclysm Log: chappy-avunjahei-2015-123-740
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
Sorry, doesn't sound very interesting to me! I do not like the choice of pieces.
Game: Chess Log: couriermabovini-cvgameroom-2015-95-960
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
The inviting player deletes games when he loses.
Game: Circular Chess Log: sissa-cvgameroom-2015-97-664
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
EDIT 'dragon Horses'
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
I'm confused now. 1. I like your game. Why not change as little as possible? 2. What are Dancing Horses???
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
It is your game, we can try out anything you like. :) But promoting them to Sissas in the way you propose would make the guards very strong pieces. We could try the first proposal, promoting them to 2-sliders. But still, I think, the guards would be worth more than the Bishops now, which is odd, because you have 7 of them. Wouldn't it be better to promote them reaching the last third of the board? One objection here could be: such a promoted guard is a somewhat 'incoherent' piece, contradicting the simplicity of the original game. So why not promotion to queens or sissas by reaching the last rank?
Georg Spengler Verified as Georg Spengler wrote on
It is always dangerous to design a chess variant without pawn promotion. If you design a game it is important to consider: what happens in the endgame. This game has to be won in the middle game, for the end game is doomed to be a draw, unless one side has gained a really big advantage. A king and a guard will not win against a lone king. And since there is no equivalent for a pawn endgame, reaching the endgame means nothing but reaching a draw. This one is a good idea for a chess variant, but if an idea works and how it works can only be decided by actual game play. It is like a little scientific theory that has to be checked in real life situations. Since the problem is the drawn endgame, I really think you have to make a change in the rules that have an influence on this phase of the game. There are 2 natural possibilities. 1. To introduce some kind of promotion rule for the guards 2. To introduce a second winning possibility, for example reaching the starting square of the opposite king with your own king. Maybe there is also another way that I did not consider. This game is surely worth to work on it, but with the current rule set I'm afraid it is a flaw.