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Comments by Uri Bruck
Initially I added the special move as an aid in development. It gets the short range pieces out there quickly, and being non-capturing, they get a little extra power, but not enough to topple the board. This addition was the big leap during development. The move can also come in useful later, and towards the end game it become less significant as there are fewer pieces to jump over. Something similar was suggested to me during development. I don't think it would add much to this particular game, however, I think it's something I might adopt on a larger board.
I discovered an omission in my description of the non-capturing leaping move for the Wazir and Ferz. It was my intent that they should only be able to leap over a friendly adjacent Ferz or Wazir. Thus, the paragraph describing this move should read: ' The additional non-capturing move is the same for both pieces: A LeapingFerz or a LeapingWazir, may leap over an orthogonally adjacent friendly LeapingWazir to the next square, provided it's unoccupied. A LeapingFerz or a LeapingWazir may leap over a diagonally adjacent friendly LeapingFerz to the next square, provided it's empty. ' The Zillions implementation plays this move correctly
Hi, For rules written by Anderw Bartmess, same person who wrote them for the Poster Book, look here: http://www.grigor.org/startrek.htm
The quote from Double King Chess looks like a good description of checkmating both kings simultaneously.
Hello Dan, First, thank you for taking the time to do the Zillions implementation. I'll start with your first question: 'It seems to me that if the second King can be checkmated, it can never be captured. Are there circumstances in which the remaining King can be captured?' If a single king is checkmated, it means that there is no legal move to take it out of check, however 'The king is the standard chess king, with the exception that it may be moved into check, and it may be captured.' It's ok for the checkmated player to make another move that will leave the king in check, and then the king will be captured on the next turn. At first it might not seem to make sense to allow a king to move into check, and if you have just one left, it doesn't. Even if you have both of them it's still not a great move, unless it happens to be a winning move - a move that checkmates the other player. With two kings vs. one, the situation could arise. So capturing one king and checkmating the other is really the same as capturing both kings, checkmating the second just means the second capture is inevitable. If it's easy to code this, fine, if not, then that's fine too, because it amounts to the same thing. As for the third win condition, I haven't done any Zillions programming, although I've read the manual and some code. Without seeing the code it's difficult to answer. Perhaps the best answer I can give is that I prefer people to playtest the game as it was submitted, but if you think it would impact the AI, you can implement it one way, and then add the other implementation as a variant. Then even if the AI in the 'official' version is weakened, people can still playtest that version playing one another on-line.
When names move from one language to another, then articles like the definite article sometimes just stick to them. I've seen quite a few place names in the south of Spain, for instance, that have names beginign with 'Al-', obviously the Arabic definite article. 'Alfil' is the name the piece acquired in Europe. The fact that the text mentions it is good enough. The Arabic 'fil' is also related to the Hebrew 'pil', which can be found in the Mishna, dating back to the first couple of centuries C.E., and which the Even-Shoshan Hebrew dictionary traces back to teh Akkadian 'pilu'. The chess piece was obviously named for the Arabic word.
This page gives a description of the original rules of the game. Since it was only played within the context of a nomic game 'lasting forever' was not an issue at first. Later ammendments did provide for winning conditions.
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