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Ben Reiniger wrote on Wed, Jun 3, 2020 03:41 AM UTC:

I think the earlier reference to "suicide" meant leaving/exposing your king to check while also putting your opponent into check; taking the "endgame" (tiebreaker) rule that check must be relieved by taking the checking piece (not by moving the royal or interposing) as more important than not allowing your own royal to be in check provides the conundrum Daphne posed.  But I don't think that order of importance is natural, as long as check works here as in Chess; in that case, that extra clause doesn't seem necessary.

The formatting on the page would benefit from some cleaning, using headers and html lists.  You can use the WYSIWYG mode of the editor (click the Source button) if you're not familiar with html.

I don't understand the setup phase.  Especially:

 In another setting, there is a setting that place chariot at c-k file, not at a-m file. but c-k file chariot setting player must place the two horses on the left or right of chariot. and then set the rhino and bear at empty places.

Another setting?  Is this an optional rule?

 Yang place the pieces first, and Yin does it next. When their setting ends, Yang cannot change his setting, but Yin can change his setting.

For how long can Yin change their setting?  (Why can they change it?)


The Summoned pawns are placed in order from liberty to end of move.

In a few places you use the word "liberty" in a way I don't understand.  What does this mean?  Afterwards, you discuss metamorphosis allowing the summoned pawns making some captures, but only the last pawn?


In the endgame draw by lack of material, the tiebreaker is piece count.  You mention off-board pieces "that you can summon," but that's not entirely clear to me.  Are captured pieces not summonable?  Do you just get to count a bear as three pieces (pawns) instead?  I think the discussion of counting combined pieces is confusing; from the subsequent list, you just count the individual pieces.

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