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George Duke wrote on Thu, Feb 4, 2010 06:20 PM UTC:
The comment here at Seeping Switchers two years ago,,
followed my comment the same day about Betza's Augmented Different Knights:
Betza had developed, or re-developed many of, the natural compoundings of Knight there. More and more CVs, such as those of Joyce, whose certain particular ones like Great Shatranj have risen in esteem and remarks, were re-using some of them without referencing and often not knowing that Betza had at least pooled them for us in the article above, back to A.D.K.  A.D.K. itself generates 1000s of CVs able only to be admired and not realistically played. So, the simple sentence has the allowable context of proliferation. Now Charles Gilman appears to call Knight + Wazir ''Marshlander'' in Man & Beasts 08 Diverse Directions, in the paragraph beginning ''So far'', -- suggesting the name for the piece-type is not very well established despite long application in Pritchard CVs. As a guess, we could find 20-40 examples there and about all having different names. That is the way it is in misguided field of ''CVs'' in necessary transition to determining standards. I base that number of couple dozen plus, on knowing the actual frequency of some few other bi-compounds in 'ECV', including(Knight + Camel) and (Knight + Zebra). Seeping Switchers, like the Pizza Kings of John Lawson,,
 is one of very few armies of another Betza effort, Chess Different Armies, not authored by the giant Betza; and Seeping Switchers is good one as if by the master himself. The name give the piece-type is always up to the current inventor, but the movement's earlier examples are subject to recall by others in free societies.

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