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George Duke wrote on Mon, Dec 31, 2007 08:51 PM UTC:
RN 203 Flying Dutchman. Let's see, leaving off a month ago, before the Solstice, at CVs in number roughly equivalent to number molecules in the head of ordinary individual adult member of the superfamily Hominidae(be one chimpanzee or homo sapiens). The Comment 24.November.2007 proves by typical case explained, being so many in combination, that these are one and all viable, playable CVs. (a) no effect (b) Prior, each player designates one own piece-type as the Flying Dutchman and one square in the opposite back rank as the Port. Instead of checkmate, the winning condition requires one of this pre-designated piece-type to reach Port, called Weathering the Gale. Any captured F.D. returns immediately to 'Sea', namely its array square. (c) 'b' subject to F.D. being uncapturable every odd-numbered turn (d) 'b' with only F,N,B or R as F.D. (e) 'c' with only F,N,B or R as F.D. (f) 'b' subject to only R,F,Q being F.D. (g) 'c' with only R,F or Q being F.D. (h) 'b' only F or N being F.D. (i) 'b', except that, rather than a piece-type, player designates a specific piece, to be marked as Flying Dutchman. (j) 'c' as 'RN203i' (k) 'b', and the designated Port can only be in the back-rank Wide Cauldron, e.g. d1,e1,f1, & g1. (l) 'b', and the specific piece-type(F.D.) can never move backwards (laterally okay). (m) 'd' with the Flying D. unable ever to move backwards (laterally okay) (n) 'f' with 'Port-directed movements' as equivalently in both 'l' and 'm' (o) 'i', and the Flying Dutchman moves according to 'n'. (p) 'c' and 'o'. Cumulative: 2.7415776 x 10^29 CVs, approximately 48 kilograms of living tissue having that many molecules, as may be guessed, about the same as smallish human being, say the young Napoleon or Pocahontas. Later, we compare to Hydrogen atoms exclusively, which predominate 100:1, rather than these molecular aberrations -- in order eventually to achieve CVs in number greater than actual atoms in The Universe. [Would need revision in that one human has between 10^27 and 10^28 molecules not so many as 10^29, as the previous Comment begins to correct]

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