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George Duke wrote on Mon, Dec 3, 2007 05:47 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Or are all the hexagonal variants ''funny-looking'' pentagonal ones? Ralph Betza's Rectahex Chess (2003) concludes ''Hexagonal Chess can be played quite simply on normal rectangular board.'' Betza's resolving hex dynamics there worsens visualization, but Rectahex is excellent for Betza's satiric, clever transformation. This Penturanga marginally improves ease of visualizing interpretatively-hex movements, in acceptable technique for claiming novelty at sophisticated stage as this, pursuant thousands of forms. Differently -- hey, there are hundreds hexagonal chesses, so why not a hundred pentagonal ones -- US Patent No. 4357018 [Go to USPTO 'Number Search'] 02.Nov.1982 to Murray Calvert, of London, Ontario, Canada, has CV of ''interlocking chains of regular pentagons in side by side abutment,'' intended for play of Chess, Checkers and Dominoes. So, Charles Gilman's ''board of genuine pentagons'' has been done before. Another one US Patent No. 3981505 ''Irregular Pentagons'' 21.Sept.1976 to Marc Odier, Paris, France, is more puzzle-mechanism device than actual CV. It improves on Odier's prior USP3608906 28.Sept.1971 and France Patent No. 1582023. Another one 14.August.1883 (125 years back) USPatent 282990 to Percy Johnson, Marlborough, Mass., USA, also has chess embodiment played on pentagonal spaces. Chess Variant Page also linked a Pentagonal chess several years ago I cannot find right away. What goes around comes around.

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