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4-handed Chaturanga with dice is a Zillions-of-Games file. It is categorized as: Two dimensional, From ancient times, Uses dice. This item is located on a site outside of

4-handed Chaturanga with diceA Zillions-of-Games file
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Author: M Winther.


Chaturanga for four players probably originated in India about 1000 years ago, and is believed to be a development of 2-handed Chaturanga. At least until the end of the 19th century, a variant of 4-handed Chaturanga was played in several parts of India. In medieval times, the game was mostly played with dice (four-sided long dice), often with stakes involved.


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The board used for this game has 8 row(s), 8 column(s), 64 cells/squares.
This game is a 4 player game, with 2 players per team.

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Group ID 'chaturanga'