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Presiding Chess is a Zillions-of-Games file. It is categorized as: Two dimensional, Large board. This item is located on a site outside of

Presiding ChessA Zillions-of-Games file
. Decimal variant with added leaping pieces.

By Tucker Kao.


Board Size: 10 X 10 squares
Piece Sets: 8 Pawns, 2 Kangaroos, 2 Knights, 2 Bishops, 2 Zebras, 2 Frogs, 1 Cardinal, 1 Chancellor, 2 Camels, 2 Vaos, 2 Paos, 2 Rooks, 1 Queen, 1 King and 0 Amazon (only available with pawn promotion).

Pawns: move the same way as in the normal chess, Initial 2-steps, En-Passants are allowed, pawns promote on the opposite buttom rank.
King: moves the same way as in the normal chess except step 3 squares towards the Rook during the castling.
Kangaroos: step 1 square along the row or column or leap 3 squares on a diagonal.
Zebras: move 2 squares one way and 3 squares the other.
Frogs: step 1 square on a diagonal or leap 3 squares along the row or column.
Cardinal: Bishop + Knight.
Chancellor: Rook + Knight.
Camels: move 3 squares one way and one the other.
Vaos: slide on diagonal, capture by jumping.
Paos: slide on row or column, captures by jumping.
Amazon: Queen + Knight, only available when the pawn promotes. Bishops, Knights, Rooks and Queen are the same as in the normal chess.


Other Information

The board used for this game has 10 row(s), 10 column(s), 100 cells/squares.
This game is a 2 player game.
Invented in the year 2005. [2004-2006]. [2000-2010].

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