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Achess is a website. It is categorized as: Orthodox chess. This item is located on a site outside of

AchessA website
. Chess playing server.


<applet code="com.achess.gui.LoginApplet.class" codebase="" archive="chess.jar, chess_resources.jar, stomp.jar, jdo-1.0.2.jar, jbossall-client.jar" width=165 height=180> Please <a class=textexit>download Java</a> to play chess. </applet> <p>Achess will make you a better chess player. Achess is devoted to helping you improve your chess game. We have master games and openings with detailed comments explaining why certain moves are better than others. Try out your new skills against players of all levels, and watch your rating soar. If you're serious about learning to play, consider upgrading your account to take full advantage of all Achess has to offer.

Other Information

The board used for this game has 8 row(s), 8 column(s), 64 cells/squares.

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